Example sentences of "will have access to " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If Noriega gets into the northern redoubts , there are caches of arms and ammunition and he will have access to his bank accounts .
2 You will have access to what is probably the largest choice of homes available .
3 Rhône-Poulenc has acquired exclusive marketing rights for Decis insecticide in the US and in return Roussel Uclaf will have access to several Rhône-Poulenc products and technologies in North America .
4 About L 9000 billion will be spent over the coming decade to bring gas to 440 centres in the south and 420 networks in the north and centre of the country , so that by 1990 76% of the population will have access to natural gas .
5 These include : deadlines ; what documents and resources are available or accessible ; whether the emphasis is to be mainly on fact gathering or on interpretation and proposals ; who is to be consulted ; how much travel time and cost is justified ; whether there is to be an intermediate or informal feedback stage ; how will the final report be presented ; who will have access to it ?
6 After much laborious correspondence we received from China the following : ‘ We believe that no one outside of this country will have access to the mule and her foal in Honan Province because such matters will have to be approved by the authorities here .
7 A mind with a clear understanding of what it means by ‘ god ’ when making a call on that ‘ god ’ will have access to a physical response of immense scope , controlled only by the limitations put upon it by the processes of evolution .
8 Preparation will also enable you to get the best possible ‘ value ’ out of the expertise of the professional you are consulting who will have access to all the relevant facts and will be quite clear about what you are hoping to find out .
9 There , we demand he unlock his secret safe stuffed with laundered readies and produce sky's-your-limit expenses so that we can fly First Class to foreign lands and unearth bigger , better , albeit often unprintable , goss no other column will have access to .
10 One or two of them might be related to me , but I work on the assumption that my children will have access to most things and personal experience of some .
11 They will be kept in locked bedrooms , but will have access to a dayroom and both counsellors and education specialists .
12 At that time , according to a France Telecom spokeswoman , Itineris users will have access to the entirety of the Swiss GSM network that will be operational .
13 British Telecommunications Plc says it is to complete its cable television network in the Westminster district of London by 1995 under undertakings given to the government as part of a review of its licence for the area : some 120,000 homes in Westminster , the only area in the UK where the company is licensed to offer television service over its phone network , will have access to the service on completion , Reuter notes ; the company hopes to be allowed to run TV throughout its network from 1997 .
14 McCaw Cellular Communications Inc chairman Craig McCaw says talks are continuing with AT&T Co on an expected June signing of the deal for AT&T to acquire 33% of McCaw : he expects the deal to be completed by year-end 1993 at the latest ; issues still under discussion include how to resolve the future of the Cellular One marketing brand name , which McCaw shares with Southwestern Bell Corp ; McCaw will use AT&T 's name and it will have access to the skills of Bell Laboratories .
15 Many of you will already have access to a personal computer and most of you will have access to one in the future .
16 Nobody pretends this is a cheap option , but the specialist alone will have access to injectable antibiotics and other items of first aid not generally available .
17 Find the shelves containing that class number and you will have access to all the books on that topic that are not out on loan .
18 If you were wise at the time , you will have had a second report bound up and filed , containing every fact used , every reference studied , all the results of tests , every reason you had in mind when you drew your conclusions — and you alone will have access to these private notes .
19 In new assured tenancies fair rents will give way to market rents freely negotiated between the landlord and the tenant , and neither assured nor assured shorthold tenants will have access to a Rent Officer under the fair rent procedures .
20 The intention behind the Social Work Department 's ‘ Open Access ’ policy , agreed by the Regional Council in January 1988 , is that clients will have access to the information we hold about them , as an everyday part of our work with them .
21 Most secondary schools have now reached double figures in their stocks of micros — but only a few years ago the authors of a book ( Howe and Ross , 1981 ) could gently suggest that ‘ we can readily envisage the time when every educational institution in the country will have access to at least one microcomputer ’ .
22 If it fails , only the very rich and the very poor will have access to justice ’ .
23 ‘ I will have access to all the expertise required to solve a problem and provide a swift and cost effective solution . ’
24 Students from all faculties will have access to the machines at the Keddleston Road site .
25 Now that change is coming , we are trying to ensure that Vietnam will have access to international financial institutions .
26 If the new clauses are accepted , we will make sure that genuine asylum seekers will be treated decently and will have access to proper independent legal advice .
27 By 1995 , historians will have access to all of the Macmillan and Douglas-Home years as well as the opening of the Wilson era .
28 Particular care is needed where reports are prepared and it is believed that a person other than the client will have access to the report and may seek to rely upon it ( eg a long form report prepared for a vendor prior to sale ) .
29 The complementary areas of activity means Name will have access to technical support from other group companies ;
30 [ ] Plc 's advisers , [ Name of advisers ] , subject to the vendors and ABC receiving confidentiality undertakings from the Purchaser in terms reasonably satisfactory to the vendors , will have access to the records of ABC and its subsidiaries with a view to preparing a due diligence report on ABC and its subsidiaries .
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