Example sentences of "would be responsible for " in BNC.

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1 Finally ‘ bronze ’ officers would be responsible for post-disaster operations .
2 The company said Mr Saatchi would now concentrate on the overall strategy of the business while Mr Louis-Dreyfus would be responsible for its profits growth .
3 This new , private property would be , according to Engels and Morgan , in the hands of men , unlike the communal property of the gens , which was controlled by women , since they controlled the gens ; this was because Engels believed since men would be responsible for production at this stage it was natural that they would control what was necessary for production .
4 ‘ The result would be that the NHS management would be responsible for the pay and conditions of a million people , but actually arbitrators would dispose of the resources . ’
5 But as inspector of constabulary he would be responsible for its proper conduct .
6 The Liberal Democrat leader , Mr Paddy Ashdown , called last week 's repatriation operation a ‘ three o ’ clock knock ’ , and warned that it set an ‘ appalling example ’ to China , which would be responsible for the safekeeping of British subjects in the colony from 1997 .
7 He dwelt on the pondus sacerdotum : the burden of priests , and more particularly of bishops ( and especially of archbishops ) , was that they would be responsible for the souls of kings at the Last Judgement .
8 It is unreasonable to think that a manufacturer would be responsible for a product more than three years after manufacture .
9 She would be responsible for integrating the two contributions and making sure it will be a coherent whole and she would share her royalty with him at a rate to be determined by the proportion of the work each ends up doing .
10 It concluded that there were two serious options : ( a ) a broadcasting unit established as a department of the House which would be responsible for the whole operation involved in producing the signal from the Chamber and committees , and possibly the Lords ( this is the solution adopted in several legislatures in Canada ) ; and ( b ) an independent unit answerable to a select committee and contracted to the House to produce the signals on the same integrated basis as in option ( a ) .
11 Their hosts would be responsible for accommodation ( in their homes ) ; for meals , race registration , and local transport etc .
12 They would be responsible for reminders when premiums became due , and could trace owners through their records .
13 Representation of the support functions would be accomplished by nominating a ‘ Support Executive ’ from those officers who would be responsible for the revised finance , personnel or administrative groups .
14 And if you will , er , let us know the address and the name of a person who would be responsible for his welfare ?
15 In later years a ‘ bull queen ’ , or ‘ bull woman ’ , dressed all in blue and carrying a blue bull stick , would preside over the day 's activities and she would be responsible for raising money to provide the bull .
16 The chief sub , more than anyone else , would be responsible for the look of the paper .
17 You would be responsible for running sensory analysis projects according to requirements you agree with clients from marketing , technical or production areas , using resources which include up-to-date computerised facilities and support from our Statistics section .
18 Offers of help have been pouring in from all quarters , with the director of the Victoria and Albert Museum , Elizabeth Esteve-Coll putting her conservation department at the ready to assist , and the Secretary of State for National Heritage , Peter Brooke , conceded that his department would be responsible for financing the repair bill .
19 Otherwise , you would be responsible for the first £50 only .
20 Within the BEA , a Central Authority would be responsible for running the power stations and the Grid transmission system , but the distribution and sales functions to the eleven million consumers were to be decentralised to fourteen Area Electricity Boards , each with their own local board appointed by the Minister .
21 When the Royal Africa Company collapsed under the weight of its fixed costs , the need for permanent bases on the West African coast — essential if only because half-a-dozen other European countries were setting up forts there — led the government first to try to organize the slave-trading merchants into a loosely organized company which would be responsible for looking after the forts , and then to provide a subsidy to keep them going .
22 In his first term , Nixon had devoted relatively little attention to the selection of those who would be responsible for the administration of his programme .
23 They recommended , therefore , seven regional authorities which would be responsible for most of the major local authority services and thirty-seven district authorities .
24 The new department would be headed by a Minister in the House of Commons and would be responsible for the administration of justice .
25 Gambling policy stayed with the Home Office , and although the Department of National Heritage would be responsible for the legislation to create the lottery , it would do so in conjunction with the Home Office .
26 A new deputy head to take up an appointment in January 1982 was earmarked to chair and lead the committee , and on the proposal of the head , members of the committee who were also members of the existing curriculum committee would be responsible for reporting on the project development .
27 They would be responsible for teaching what they liked to whom they liked .
28 I would be responsible for sound , second-unit camera , and most of the stills — although I 'd never operated a movie-camera or tape-recorder in my life .
29 He could not bear the thought that his own underestimation of the Chelonians would be responsible for their deaths .
30 Perhaps Bathsheba would fail at farming and then he would be responsible for her .
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