Example sentences of "would let [pron] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 He had little doubt that if anything went wrong Buckmaster would let him drop over the cliff .
2 I told him that if he suddenly wanted to rape me , I would n't resist , I would let him do what he liked , but that I would never speak to him again .
3 She would die before she would let him do that .
4 Alexander had to argue with the authorities before they would let him compete , but he convinced them that he was descended from the royal house of Argos .
5 He looked full of himself but Cameron steered him across the street into the privacy of his store before he would let him talk .
6 She would let him stay at the breast long after the milk had gone and the gentle , pulling movement as he continued to suck though he was no longer hungry were soothing .
7 Miranda thought of M. Apéritif last night , and decided she would let him go further when she next saw him , in spite of the lizard darting of his small and oddly hard tongue in the kiss she 'd allowed him at the door of the hotel .
8 Some momentary interruptions earlier by nearby geese failed to distract Jose Carreras , who carried on to give four encores , before the audience would let him go .
9 There were nights when , hearing him start at three or four in the morning , she would have welcomed anything that would let him stop and rest-paregoric , a sugar-tit , any of those wicked things .
10 Dorcas watched it roll back , and wondered whether Grimma would let him stop and collect a bit of it .
11 The big broker even asked me , as I left his office , if I could recommend someone to design a programme that would let him keep track of his client 's accounts as he traded .
12 As every young man foresaw , his courtship was protracted , but it sometimes seemed to Paul as if the time would never come when she would let him take her hand , let alone kiss her .
13 ‘ We have never really picked a figure , but if he wanted a certain player who was just over the amount we had in mind , we would let him have it . ’
14 But I should say very often the old Guv'nor would let him have either a shilling to go down to the pub while we did the job , or else he would provide him with a jug of home-brewed beer and bread and cheese .
15 I was going to send some pictures to Marcus in prison but I do n't suppose they would let him have them .
16 But no one would let him buy a drink so I ended up not spending a ha'penny .
17 I said I would let him know this afternoon , ’ she continued a little too quickly .
18 But if they had her there , d' you think they would let him know ?
19 As he 'd hobbled back through the sleet a tiny part of him had hoped her gratitude would include an embrace , or at least a few words that would let him know she felt something for him .
20 So we talked and I said well we would think about it and we would let him know so we collected all the friends that we thought would like to help which were many people were very good to help !
21 She would let him know in a fortnight .
22 You do as you please , but I would let him know what 's threatening .
23 I told Eric to expect me ; somehow I would let him know the date by way of one of the contadini who were helping him .
24 Anyway , I gave him the gist of what had happened and he asked me if I would let him know if we found her . ’
25 Once this trip was over she would let him know her real reason for taking this job with Woodline Design , then she would say goodbye .
26 Still drowsy and warm from sleep , she lay thinking of Johnny Latimer and whether Time or the house ( for she could not decide which it was that played the tricks and pulled the strings ) would let him come back to her again .
27 They would let them stay on until they married and got farms of their own , because , perhaps , their own home circumstances would not be very good .
28 To return to the mezzanine landing and nip up the other stairs would let them see me .
29 By right and custom , he himself and James here should be going back to the house for the reading of the will , but this very new Sir Joseph had made it evident yesterday that he wanted no reading done in the house and that he would let them know when he wanted the matter dealt with .
30 They had formulated some vague ideas which would let them use this effect to shorten the perceived time it took to play the games they had to play , but the castle clocks , or perhaps the castle itself , seemed unwilling to cooperate .
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