Example sentences of "there 'd been a " in BNC.

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1 Last spring there 'd been a blackbird 's nest in the tree by the goal-post in the school playing-fields .
2 There 'd been a photograph of it in the paper , across someone 's hedge , its wings in a tree .
3 When Gloria complained , there 'd been a tiff and they 'd had to leave .
4 It came from a scene set in a bar not unlike ours , and was said just after everyone in the bar had turned pale at the sight of a particular young man , a regular , entering the bar after a week 's absence ; the thing was , they were all wondering how they were going to break the news to him that there 'd been a terrible suicide , they were all wondering who was going to be the one to take this boy to one side and tell him what had happened to his friend , and why .
5 There 'd been a ceremony called ban pasāi , the entering of the forest .
6 But in times gone by , there 'd been a feast at ban pasāi ; the women had brought rice and huge copper pans to the forest .
7 There 'd been a frost in the night , but now in the mid-afternoon the sun on our backs was strong and warm .
8 There 'd been a thing about it in the paper .
9 It was grey , and strangely motionless , as if there 'd been a sudden rush of concrete to his head ,
10 Back at the start of March there 'd been a shake .
11 There 'd been a big robbery in Dublin : hundred thousand taken and the bank manager shot dead . ’
12 so in all purp in , in always , the fact that you 'd come into this house made one realize that there 'd been a distinct change in one 's circumstances .
13 He would n't have minded so much if there 'd been a rise somewhere along the line — a moment of triumph , no matter how brief — but he 'd gone from children 's programmes to women 's programmes to the Devil in one slow , unspectacular but continuous slide .
14 The numbers were thinning ; there 'd been a small brawl when Doris caught Charlie sitting at Sonia 's feet ; Jane had told Sonia off in no uncertain terms and dragged her off downstairs ; one neighbour had passed rather noisily out and been lugged home ; somebody had announced an engagement .
15 That 's in case there 'd been a nasty accident , say there was an accident outside the school today , yes ?
16 ‘ Well , that 's exactly what you 'd get if there 'd been a big explosion with everything starting out from the same place .
17 There 'd been a repeat of the sensational reports about Waite — he 'd died of a heart attack in an Iranian prison camp and his body returned to Beirut , or the island of Cyprus was on alert for his imminent release — and a three-day series on all the hostages in the Independent , but there was still no questioning of government policy nor a proper analysis of what was really happening .
18 There 'd been a whole day 's racing at Goodwood , two afternoons at Wimbledon for the semi-finals and finals , the Eton and Harrow cricket match , a day at Henley and invitations to lunch and dinner parties , the theatre , the opera and then on to one of the nightclubs .
19 ‘ We went past a house where there 'd been a wedding , ’ said Lili , ‘ the night before .
20 There 'd been a cowboy film on telly that afternoon and all the little ones had come out in their cowboy hats and were firing caps off at cats and down letter-boxes .
21 After that , there 'd been a bit of a void between floundering furiously in the deep waters of the Mediterranean — her denims weighing her down and her bikini-top , evidently not refastened securely enough , doing a treacherous disappearing act — and being hauled into strong male arms , dragged aboard a strange boat , then deposited on a plush banquette seat , feeling decidedly under-dressed for the occasion …
22 Crazy , impulsive , illogical it might have been , but somewhere deep inside there 'd been a feeling of inevitability about it …
23 I 'd looked forward to it for ages , there 'd been a build-up but it was quite different for her . ’
24 If there 'd been a fight , then I must have won it .
25 There 'd been a master at Ravenswood , a man called Funny Stiles who 'd been given the sack because he 'd made boys presents of whistles and fountain-pens .
26 In her first term at St Cecilia 's there 'd been a girl who 'd had the gift of levitation , a disturbed girl called Julie who had been able to float eight feet above the ground , whom Miss Scuse had eventually had to have removed .
27 There 'd been a smell of roses , and of coffee .
28 Existence had battered him , he said , remaining where he was , seeming not to have heard her : there 'd been a different child once .
29 There 'd been a bench between them at the time .
30 I do n't deny I hoped it was Dysart she was planning to ruin — I wondered if there 'd been a lovers ’ tiff — but she let nothing slip .
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