Example sentences of "there have been discussion " in BNC.

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1 EVER since Mikhail Gorbachev launched his concept of a Common European Home , a good two years ago , there has been discussion about the shape and content of such a dwelling .
2 While , for many years , there has been discussion , in the Schools Council and elsewhere , about the reform of the examination system and the closer integration of CSE and GCE , Sir Keith Joseph gave notice in January 1984 of much more radical changes in the assessment of pupils at the end of compulsory schooling .
3 There is a considerable volume of commentary stemming from Locke 's Some Thoughts Concerning Education ( 1693 ) , and from the reception of Rousseau 's Emile , first translated in 1763 , but this is mainly ideological , although there has been discussion of Locke 's attitude to what should be taught in straightforward histories of education .
4 Recently , there has been discussion whether the concept of ‘ attitude ’ , as used by social psychologists , should be essentially an individual or social concept .
5 There has been discussion over whether the DROs should not be better trained , possibly in other social work , in order that they can help the disabled adjust psychologically to their change of status as well as help them in practical ways .
6 There has been discussion with the Commission on the issue and it seems to adopt a similar approach .
7 I know that there has been discussion in the House of Lords , but that makes the offence worse .
8 Clearly at the state of the talks with the T & G , we still have a long long way to go to reach this new goal and there 's a strong rumour that there has been discussions between Sir John Edmunds and Lord Bill Morris the name of the new union already and I think an apt title for the union at the moment would be Yugoslavia because we 're in ethnic groups , we are sections , we 've got the boiler makers who are still claiming things they lost ten years ago when they merged .
9 In 1279 the purely clerical assemblies of both provinces made a grant to the king towards the cost of the Welsh wars , but again only after there had been discussion in diocesan assemblies .
10 After the talks , Hanan Ashrawi , the Palestinian spokeswoman , said there had been discussion of undisclosed new proposals , but the Palestinians could not make any final decisions without further consultations among themselves and with the Palestine Liberation Organisation in Tunis .
11 Of course there have been discussions between the Trust and civil servants but nothing has gone to PESC ( the expenditure talks ) . ’
12 There have been discussions , both at education committee and at county council which relate to the district auditor 's concerns , er , county council want a full discussion of course about the place of small schools in the county , being a predominantly rural area .
13 There 's been discussion about whether the problem of alcohol , and most people agree there is a problem , should be tackled primarily educationally or through disciplinary means .
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