Example sentences of "their [noun sg] to raise [noun] " in BNC.

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1 CHILDREN at a Darlington school have done their bit to raise money for hungry families in Russia .
2 This could follow if the capital goods producing industries faced capacity constraints in their attempt to raise output in the short run .
3 Leslie and Linda Skelhorne , of Runcorn , received the letter wishing them well in their bid to raise cash to send Shaun , five , to the Higashi Institute in Boston .
4 Cooler , drier weather is forecast for their effort to raise funds for research into the rare disease , neuroblastoma , which killed 14-year-old Vicki last year .
5 Not only does it limit their ability to raise capital and power to do business , it also creates a management oligarchy .
6 In the event each of the 57 first wave trusts found their borrowing limits — known as " external financing limits " — set in such a way that their ability to raise capital was tightly controlled .
7 National Savings were particularly competitive in the 1980's when emphasis was placed on raising government funds from this source , largely because it relieved the need somewhat to borrow from the banking system which created credit and therefore inflationary conditions , and because of the fear that government borrowing in the long-term capital markets would tend to ‘ crowd-out ’ industrial and commercial companies from that market , and impede their ability to raise funds for capital investment and long-term growth .
8 Local authorities continued to be threatened with central government imposed limitations on their ability to raise revenue locally , and the personal consequences for individual community charge payers voting for either increases or decreases in expenditure would vary considerably .
9 IF US officials go ahead with their threat to raise tariffs , it will almost certainly increase unemployment in Britain .
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