Example sentences of "if it goes [adv] " in BNC.

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1 If it goes over that I 'm out . ’
2 If it goes right , well that 's just great is n't it !
3 They never put it down if it goes up do they ?
4 ‘ The men wo n't come in 'ere if they 're on strike , ‘ specially if it goes on fer any length of time .
5 Lack of sleep , if the baby is demanding to be feed every two hours or so day and night , can be hell if it goes on for long .
6 Progressive ‘ improvement ’ of the kind suggested by the arms-race image does go on , even if it goes on spasmodically and interruptedly ; even if its net rate of progress is too slow to be detected within the lifetime of a man , or even within the timespan of recorded history .
7 If it goes on any longer than that they get bored and spoil what they 've done .
8 If it goes on for another 2 weeks , that is a distinct possibility .
9 If it goes on we 'll call the police .
10 On March 1st a French listening post overheard a German remark on the telephone : ‘ if it goes on like this we sha n't have a man left after the war ’ .
11 For two hours our own guns have been bombarding us , and if it goes on I shall take my company and bombard the gunner with these grenades ! ’
12 But then if it goes on
13 And we only know that if it goes on for Monday afternoons for an hour , instead of
14 Yeah why not , yeah anything that 's relevant , I mean if it goes on till then we can only use it twice ca n't we ?
15 If it goes well , we 'll be on your island by the end of next week .
16 So that if it goes again I can get a cheap one then you can use a cheap one to tie it to the fence .
17 ‘ Yes , what will you do if it goes through ? ’
18 If it goes through , the pact will immediately give IBM a presence in the high-end server market .
19 The Government 's infamous £12 billion road-building programme will , if it goes ahead ( and it may not following the intervention of the European Commission ) , gobble up SSSIs .
20 There is scant support for a project that , if it goes ahead , can not fail to leave its mark on a remarkable stretch of untamed countryside .
21 Their trip , if it goes ahead , could eventually transform the lazy economies of Tonga and the Solomon Islands , threaten the future of the grey whale , and dramatically increase the world 's known oil supplies .
22 If it goes ahead , it does so without our permission . ’
23 If it goes ahead with the project , it will find that it has a reward for the investment that exceeds its wildest dreams .
24 If it goes ahead it 'll cover nearly three hundred and fifty acres and consist of thirty million tons of coal .
25 Er I would say that the impact of the development if it goes ahead must be limited at that distance .
26 If it goes ahead , the proposed merger of America 's SmithKline Beckman with Britain 's Beecham will be the biggest the pharmaceuticals industry has yet seen , creating a group with annual sales of $9 billion .
27 If it goes ahead it solves the problems but let's suppose it does n't go ahead .
28 If it goes ahead Double Gloucester might never be the same again .
29 Texas-based Enron said Teesside was among several sites it may consider if it goes ahead with plans to build a new petrochemical plant in Europe .
30 ‘ I will be delighted if it goes ahead .
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