Example sentences of "has been [art] growth " in BNC.

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1 Sales of traditional industrial life insurance policies plunged by half , but there has been a growth in endowment policies .
2 In addition there has been a growth in the promotion of tourism , which with its low pay , seasonal employment , and upwardly spiralling speculative investments , has also brought pressure upon people to leave the land .
3 One of the consequences of rising female employment has been a growth in the number of ‘ dual-worker ’ families .
4 At the same time , economic recession has led to sharp increases in unemployment , especially among young black people , and there has been a growth in black migration from impoverished and drought-stricken rural areas since the ending of influx controls in 1986 .
5 Although their significance as regional political institutions has been undermined — in the case of water authorities by proposals for privatization and in the case of health authorities by a series of financial and managerial initiatives which have encouraged a shift towards private sector ( market-type ) decision-making ( Pollitt , Harrison , Hunter and Marnoch , 1988 ) — there has been a growth in regional state institutions in other policy areas .
6 But the trend is towards taking the bitterness and confrontation out of divorce , and in the last few years there has been a growth in the number of ‘ mediation ’ and ‘ conciliation ’ ( not to be confused with reconciliation ) services available .
7 As illustrated in Part I , there has been a growth in occupational pension schemes .
8 The claims of those commentators ( for example Meager , 1985 ; LRD , 1987 ) who suggest there has been a growth in temporary working in recent years are given no support whatsoever by these results .
9 A very marked long-term trend since the end of the second world war has been a growth in the proportion of dwellings in owner-occupation .
10 Over the past 20 years , there has been a growth in the number of these schools , because many parents have felt that governments have not been providing the quality of education once found in grammar schools , and are willing to forgo expensive holidays and luxuries , in order to provide the education they want for their children .
11 In recent years there has been a growth in the number of schools introducing ‘ schools-industry ’ work into the curriculum .
12 There has been a growth in mass marketing because increased standards of living have meant that products which were once luxury goods are now utility goods and required by the bulk of the population , e.g. cars , foreign holidays , televisions and telephones .
13 However , over recent years there has been a growth in such activity , largely through the medium of television .
14 A further change has been the growth of liberal theology within the Irish Roman catholic intelligentsia .
15 Part of the increase is due to more young people forming independent households , but the most important factor has been the growth in numbers of elderly widows and widowers .
16 There has been the growth of feminist bookshops , research and resources centres , publishing houses , journals and magazines — even if they usually exist on shoe-string budgets .
17 Within North America itself , a major development has been the growth of the Vision Interfaith Satellite Network ( VISN ) .
18 One of the most significant developments in the past decade has been the growth of women 's alternative media .
19 Co-incidental with the growth of judicial review by the domestic courts has been the growth in the volume of applications by private individuals seeking redress from the European Commission and Court of Human Rights at Strasbourg .
20 One particularly important feature in recent years has been the growth of manufacturing employment within rural areas .
21 It has been the growth in tax allowances that has allowed the rich to hide behind a smokescreen of high marginal tax rates , while , in reality paying an average rate far below that of many ordinary households ( see the answer given to Gordon Brown MP above , in ‘ Tax Benefits ’ , p. 99 ) .
22 One of the most remarkable aspects of population change in recent years has been the growth and redistribution of the labour force .
23 One response to the rising level of unemployment in recent years has been the growth of Local Employment Development Agencies .
24 One consequence of the bureaucratization of administrative organization has been the growth in the influence of the expert , trained official .
25 Describing the Central Institutions — the main provider of higher education in Scotland outside the universities and the colleges of education — a Director of one of the CIs wrote in 1971 that ‘ during recent years the most significant development has been the growth of CNAA courses — including in business studies , architecture , various sciences and branches of engineering , marketing , computing with operational research and pharmacy ’ .
26 Another important reason for the trend to eurosterling bonds has been the growth in interest-rate swaps .
27 In this respect , an interesting development has been the growth of Community Schools/Colleges .
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