Example sentences of "has refuse [to-vb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 No monarch has refused to dissolve Parliament in modern times and the Queen has , in recent years , been relieved of any real responsibility as to the choice of Prime Minister as the various political parties have now clearly defined rules for the election of a leader .
2 It has refused to allow inspection by the International Atomic Energy Agency of two suspected nuclear sites , and has announced that it will pull out of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty ( NPT ) in June .
3 He also has refused to halt publication of a book , due in December about his struggle against discrimination within the police force and by officers .
4 Despite this level of support , and a direct request from James Baker when he was still secretary of state , Mr Karimov has refused to register Birlik as a political party .
5 So United States courts have declared invalid service which met the requirements of state law or of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure but which did not meet the terms of the convention and a Netherlands court has refused to grant exequatur to a Belgian judgment granted after service which complied with Belgian law but not the convention 's requirements .
6 John Major 's government has refused to provide cash for phase four of the project , despite being told it would now cost substantially less than first thought .
7 John Major 's government has refused to provide cash for phase four of the project , despite being told it would now cost substantially less than first thought .
8 It has stuck to an antiquated way of operating that harks back to the days of guild power , and has refused to countenance criticism .
9 She said : ‘ The Government says it wants to reduce tobacco consumption by 40 per cent by the year 2000 , but it has refused to ban tobacco advertising and is not making the most of its other weapon . ’
10 She said : ‘ The Government says it wants to reduce tobacco consumption by 40 per cent by the year 2000 , but it has refused to ban tobacco advertising and is not making the most of its other weapon . ’
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