Example sentences of "have been brought [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Some are looking to sell their practices or merge their way out of problems that have been brought on by the severest recession the UK has experienced since the 1930s .
2 Women have been brought up to accept the role of second-class citizens , subject to their husbands ’ whims and opinions .
3 The most convenient way to study flows of this sort is to look at old examples which have been brought up above sea level by earth movements of one kind or another , and which have been subsequently cut through by erosion and exposed in clean , dry cliff sections .
4 But we have been brought up to respect these intellectual tools so much that they supplant the innocent insight of a child .
5 Younger people have been brought up in a different way from the way our parents and grandparents were .
6 We have been brought up to regard the house as our domain , and , despite wanting a man to pull his weight , can resent the feeling of being usurped .
7 In March 1939 the CRREC claimed that ‘ Not only are Jewish children with no particular religious affiliation being placed in non Jewish homes and schools , utterly abandoned as far as their religious education is concerned , but even children who have been brought up in a religious atmosphere … are being callously placed in non Jewish schools and homes , where they suffer mental torture which , in at least one case , has brought the child to the verge of a nervous breakdown . ’
8 She implored : ‘ If the immediate family breaks up the problems created can still be resolved but only if the children have been brought up from the very start with the feeling that they are wanted , loved and valued . ’
9 erm , when we are victims of crime , and personally I think that there are two main reasons for that , one reason certainly is that when women erm are victims of crime that there is of a sexual nature or domestic violence , part of the way that we have been brought up and part of the way that those crimes have been portrayed , is to portray them as our fault
10 ‘ You know you have no father or mother , ’ said the first man , ‘ and that you have been brought up with other orphans ? ’
11 A significant number have been brought up in children 's homes themselves .
12 I have been brought up wrong .
13 If in addition we have been brought up in the tradition that to show feeling is a vulgar and lower-class way of behaving , we will seek to drain it out of any situations in which we are involved .
14 There are often , among the competitors , girls from Eastern Bloc or otherwise under-privileged countries who have been brought up to believe that a monumental talent requires total dedication , who have been told that great minds do not fuss about small externals , who have been led to suppose that for a great genius to be a plain Jane is only appropriate .
15 This suggests that tantrums have something to do with the normal development of a child 's personality , rather than with the way they have been brought up — although the way they are handled can make things worse .
16 But the number-one British favourite , the otter , is both rare and probably the most endearingly anthropomorphic of Britain 's animals , and most of us have been brought up on nostalgic , humanoid depictions of badgers , foxes , hedgehogs , squirrels and owls in our childhood literature .
17 However , adoption studies where children of alcoholic parents have been brought up in non-alcoholic families show that genetic inheritance is a stronger predictor of addiction than is home or social background .
18 And so it went on and the town today has er practically been either reconstructed , the centre has been reconstructed or the older buildings have been brought up to modern standards .
19 United fans have been brought up on the sublime skills of attackers like Best , Law , Charlton , Stuart Pearson , Jimmy Greenhoff and Frank Stapleton .
20 For these people going into debt is not a way to finance newer extravagences but the only way to maintain a lifestyle they have been brought up to accept as theirs by right .
21 ‘ Women suffer from it more than men — especially women who have been brought up to think that it is enough just to look beautiful . ’
22 The Down 's Syndrome subjects were born in 1964,1965 and 1966 and have been brought up their families in South Wales .
23 Where children do not carry these assumptions inside them , it is because they have been brought up in an enclave that is struggling against the weight of secular pressure .
24 They have been brought up from Derby and are expected to be used on forthcoming charter excursions , possibly over the Settle-Carlisle line .
25 There 's the nucleus of a very good side here , the young lads have been brought up the Lyall way . ’
26 Anyway I said to our Pam well you have been brought up to do things like that and not only that if I found a pound on the floor I 'd pick it up that 's different .
27 I mean the thing that they latch onto all the time is that they think it 's perfectly reasonable that they should compliment a young woman and so on , and I do see , Bill , that this is a problem because these men have been brought up like this and they think of themselves as being polite and courteous and , you know , a little flirtatious and doing all the things that actually they were taught women like and is rather nice .
28 erm I find I 'm not sure that any of us can erm cope with what 's going on at the moment in the Gulf without having just ways of distracting ourselves , erm and I think that perhaps might be more of a problem for adults than it is for children , in the sense that erm most of us have access to more information than most children do erm and more information about what death means , and what suffering means , and what pain means , than erm most children who have been brought up in this country .
29 The problems with most people , if I can generalise , is that they have been brought up on the notion that a picture has to represent something and that to them means something recognizable , like a tree , or a landscape , or a windmill , or an oast house .
30 Some ironically have been brought about by road congestion caused by the railway 's erstwhile competitor , the private car .
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