Example sentences of "have called [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I have called to this pub to see a friend , the tall attractive barmaid in black , the Irish one , my lover 's ex , by the way .
2 All the submissions to the Government from the biotechnology industry have called for greater public information about genetic engineering , so no one can object to giving consumers the chance to make informed choices as they push their supermarket trolleys .
3 At a informal gathering in Scotland , EC Environment Ministers have called for environmental protection measures to be extended into all areas of the Community 's policy-making .
4 Meanwhile , neighbours have called for extra police protection on the Red Hall estate .
5 Lawyers , politicians and environmentalists have called for such action at an international conference in London organized by Greenpeace .
6 Reform groups have called for drastic measures , perhaps following California 's lead in limiting the number of terms a politician can serve in office .
7 We have told them that the suppression of opposing views is not the way forward , and have called for further progress towards democracy and greater public accountability .
8 Britain 's Liberal Democrats have called for urgent measures to tackle the health risks posed by air pollution , including more investment in public transport to cut down on exhaust emissions , the acceptance of World Health Organisation ( WHO ) monitoring guidelines , and an increase in air pollution monitoring stations .
9 Communicators and peace activists from conflict-ridden Asian countries have called for stronger links between groups striving for ethno-religious understanding in the region .
10 Friends of the Earth have called on FKI plc to launch a full investigation .
11 Lots of well known people have called at this famous pub , and signed the visitor 's book .
12 Police have called in professional shark hunters in a bid to kill the great white .
13 Father , you know that we have many links with your people in other lands through those that you have called from this congregation to serve you overseas .
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