Example sentences of "have be describe in " in BNC.

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1 Are we looking for the year two thousand , or are we looking for a hundred years later than that , or what ? — the sort of age we have been describing in this programme ?
2 The inadequacies of management in state enterprises have been described in dramatic terms by several Nigerian academic observers , one of whom wrote in 1974 that the reasons for the poor performance of the state-owned sector could be seen in the words of one observer ‘ in the over centralization of authority … inspired by sheer love of power ’ or by another :
3 The higher vertebrates , fossil mammals and dinosaurs in particular , have been described in so many books that they sometimes seem to have as much flesh and blood as any animal in the zoo .
4 These complications are rare in males but have been described in male homosexuals .
5 People who are mentally , physically and visually handicapped have been described in terms of their ‘ dependence ’ and this has been compared with the ‘ independence ’ enjoyed by intelligent , able-bodied adults in relation to the AL of maintaining a safe environment .
6 Various aspects of the CORINE project have been described in papers by Rhind et al. ( 1986 ) , Wiggins et al. ( 1987 ) , Briggs and Martin ( 1988 ) , Briggs and Mounsey ( 1989 ) and CEC ( 1990c ) .
7 The effects of trampling on large mammalian bone have been described in some detail ( Andrews & Cook , 1985 ; Behrensmeyer et al . ,
8 Only those acting at the second and third stages have been described in the present chapter , but the most important agents for small mammal bone accumulations are those operating at the first stage of taphonomic modification .
9 These have been described in more detail by Ferrari and Ibañez ( 1988 ) , and will be described in Sections 10.5 and 13.3 .
10 To do this it is necessary to incorporate the properties of plane waves that have been described in Section 4.4 and illustrated in Figure 4.1 .
11 The profiles for the approaching waves in both cases have been described in more detail by Hoenselaers and Ernst ( 1990 ) .
12 The appropriate boundary conditions for this situation have been described in Chapter 7 .
13 These five case examples have been described in detail to help the reader develop a clear understanding of the principles of assessment and brief problem-orientated treatment presented in the two previous chapters .
14 The general factors affecting the learning process : motivation , understanding , activity , feedback on progress made , auditory and visual stimulation , control of speed of instruction , and student-teacher and student-student interaction , have been described in Chapter Three .
15 The methods which have been described in detail in Chapter Three will be dealt with briefly here and emphasis will be placed on methods particularly suitable for online training .
16 The most widely used of these tests have been described in a review by Bloomfield .
17 All the cores obtained have been described in detail , and samples taken for geochemical , paleomagnetic and other laboratory studies .
18 Lipid asymmetries have been described in various cell types , but their biological functions and frequencies of occurrence are , as yet , uncertain .
19 Those in the latter group — the reluctant early retirers — conform directly to what have been described in the USA as ‘ discouraged workers ' ( Sorrentino 1981 : 168 ; and for a discussion of the discouraged worker effect based on British Labour Force survey data , see Laczko 1987 ) .
20 Most of these techniques have been described in psychological terms and are particularly useful in explaining the errors a new student makes in using the language .
21 Methods used to purify CD4 + CD8 + TCR - thymocytes have been described in detail elsewhere .
22 The methods used in the Oxford Family Planning Association study have been described in detail elsewhere .
23 Some of these techniques have been described in this chapter .
24 Various procedures for standard setting have been described in the literature .
25 Ways of assessing specific criteria apart from setting tests have been described in current development projects .
26 The physiological developments of the adolescent period have been described in Chapter 2 .
27 It may be reasonably confidently assumed that the different criteria for ambiguity which have been described in fact are sensitive to the same underlying semantic property , and that in the absence of ‘ special factors ’ will provide identical diagnoses .
28 The other ‘ fixing ’ agents , which have been described in this chapter , act to create a catch-22 situation .
29 The state testing programmes in the USA have been described in a survey by the Educational Testing Service ( 1973 ) , which reported that , although there were plans for many states to test a wide range of curriculum areas ( such as human relationships ) , few had developed the test technology sufficiently actually to carry out testing .
30 Nevertheless it is possible to make a number of guarded conclusions on how the social changes that have been described in this chapter have altered the structure of relationships within the rural population .
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