Example sentences of "have be live [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They have been living since the nursery with different materials around them and objects having different weights , and they have a concealed knowledge of ice-water-steam which is more helpful to a teacher at this stage than any class experiments .
2 He said this would be paid for by ‘ speculators and those who have been living off the state like cannibals ’ .
3 We have been living beyond our means for too long and had better start tightening our belts . ’
4 Since the summer of last year we have been living with the consequences of Mrs Thatcher 's unreasoned dislike of the ERM .
5 ‘ Since when you have been living with Mr and Mrs Fanshawe ? ’
6 However , the children of your unmarried partner can not inherit from you unless you adopt them or make a will even if they have been living as a family with you both .
7 Since 1982 they have been living at Grass Gars Farm , Ulpha , Broughton in Furness , in the Lake District — bought with a bridging loan , until Mountain Ash was sold in November 1984 .
8 McGuigan says his wife , Sandra , and their four children have been living on a knife-edge since Eastwood 's libel action .
9 She is certainly not one of those who have been living on mung beans for as long as they can remember .
10 A whole family employed in the Midlands engineering industry have been living on supplementary benefit for two years : the grandparents in their mid-40s , two married sons with children and a teenager living at home .
11 It 's thought around 70 travellers have been living on the site for several weeks .
12 We have been living on the edge for a number of weeks waiting for this decision to be made known . ’
13 His ex-wife and child and her second husband have been living on benefits for a year .
14 Some have been living for a disconcertingly long time in museums ; but once doubted , the evidence of inadequacy in a fake is quite often soon in coming .
15 The trouble is my boyfriend , with whom I have been living for six months , thinks I should use the money to pay off our overdraft .
16 Many have been living for years in a shadowy , illegal world , doing the jobs that affluent Japanese now shun .
17 Since these results are obtained in animals that have been living in a normal environment , they mean that the clock originates , at least in these animals , from an abnormal ‘ internal ’ structure , the chromosome .
18 Without knowing it I have been living in poverty for the past 14 years .
19 We have been living in a jungle all our lives and we have struggled to bring our minds into cultivation but without hope and suddenly we have found this meadow of cleared land on which we can plant our gardens .
20 Whether you have just moved into a new home or have been living in the same place for years the main thing is that you are alone and you must make your home your pride , your joy , your sanctuary .
21 Since Tuesday , when I went to tea with Ivy , I have been living in a dream of confusion and discomfort .
22 Collins 's wife Jill and young daughter Lily have been living in Los Angeles since April in a Tudor-style £5 million Beverly Hills mansion .
23 It all started , she explains , when her husband Robert was offered a voluntary posting on the Cambridge charity 's dental care programme in Dharamsala in the foothills of the Himalayas , where 15,000 Tibetans have been living in exile since the Chinese invaded their country .
24 ‘ I have been living in a Social Services Home for about seven years .
25 I have been living in the city for three years and if I were to go to the estates now they would n't give me work .
26 The most recent has been from the late 1970s through the 1980s , and if we think of those years as one of only four periods of major structural change in nearly two centuries we can appreciate that we have been living in interesting times .
27 At all material times he and his family have been homeless within the meaning of section 58 of the Housing Act 1985 and have been living in temporary accommodation provided by the council , the local housing authority , under section 63 of the Act .
28 I have been living in the same bungalow now for 10 years , and it seems no easier now than it was 10 years ago to find staff .
29 There seems little wrong with that , for we have been living in a fools paradise for years and also depriving the Americans of value .
30 I have been living in Britain since 1970 , almost half of my life has been spent here .
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