Example sentences of "have die in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Some detainees have died in detention or shortly following their release as a direct consequence of ill-treatment in prison and lack of adequate medical care .
2 A document published by a committee of the Justice Ministry on May 20 claimed that as many as 40,000 people might have been executed or have died in detention under the previous regime of former President Hissène Habré .
3 ( Since UN sanctions against Iraq were imposed , over 4,300 people have died in Iraq from lack of medicines . )
4 Thirteen members of her family have died in Ulster 's years of violence , including her youngest son Gary , who was murdered by a Loyalist gunman shortly before his wedding day .
5 Whether the lust for gold had mastered us , whether a hatred of the thieves suffused our outlook , whether their attempts to thwart it had not toughened our resolve I can not say : but I know that after the bomb had been thrown into our midst , we would , one and all , have died in agony rather than let the treasure fall into the enemy 's hands .
6 Its been described as the greatest human catastophe on earth … hundreds of thousands have died in Somalia … two million more are seriously at risk … relief workers … even those used to suffering … find the enormity of the task they face difficult to cope with .
7 Many have died in Jeopardy 's train . ’
8 Circumstantial evidence suggests that many trees have died in areas of Germany where acid rain is most prevalent .
9 More than 70 people have died in Strathclyde in the last 15 months as a result of drug-taking .
10 Louse-borne typhus has killed more people than have died in warfare .
11 At least nine people have died in bomb attacks launched by the cartels since President Barco ordered the crackdown on the cocaine traffickers .
12 On Remembrance Sunday , ministers w ill be asking their congregations to remember their fellow countrymen who have died in war .
13 When we moan about them , we should remember that 31 reporters have died in Yugoslavia since the fighting began .
14 Eleven Palestinians and five soldiers have died in clashes in the West Bank and Gaza this month .
15 Over 15,000 piglets have died in transit from Germany at the Spanish border , after officials delayed their passage through concern that they might be carrying a newly discerned pig illness .
16 MORE than 1,000 people are missing or have died in monsoon rains which have swept northern India and parts of Pakistan .
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