Example sentences of "have describe [pers pn] as " in BNC.

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1 Some have described her as a 1920s version of much-admired Kate Adie , who always appears to be in the thick of things wherever the action is !
2 It becomes less important to Picasso later on but it is something which is constant for Matisse and it has always been recognised by critics who have described him as a painter 's painter .
3 I have described him as a literary concept and this , as applied to a man in a dirty trench-coat moving in and out of sleazy beds and corrupt gambling dens , may seem to be rather excessive .
4 Commentators have described it as a ‘ Stalinist trial ’ , not only of Pavlović but also of others who hold similar views .
5 Binoculars show that it is very highly coloured ; telescopically I have described it as an orange blob , quite unlike a normal star .
6 Others have described it as ‘ accelerated performance improvement . ’
7 The partial ban has angered environmentalists and farm workers who have described it as a " cheap ploy " to allow Cheminova Agro to continue to produce 60 per cent of its current annual output of the pesticide .
8 Experts have described it as the worst case to date of pesticide contamination in Britain .
9 Police have described it as a text book operation and are delighted with the result .
10 The police have described it as a miraculous escape .
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