Example sentences of "has [vb pp] [adv] far " in BNC.

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1 From the debate as it has developed so far , various things seem to me to be clear :
2 Unable to find work after leaving the army , which he joined at 16 , he has travelled as far as Holland in search of a job — but to no avail .
3 The balance has tipped too far in the other direction : instead of ignoring her sexuality , Christabel is now dominated by it , and so the creative process by which she should have been psychologically fulfilled has not worked .
4 Commentators are suggesting , however , that the leisure industry has come too far too fast and that the leisure bubble has burst .
5 At least it survived the sea water during the landing and has come this far .
6 ‘ The most a contestant has won so far is a small jar of face cream ’ , said Edna caringly .
7 Much more of what Augusta has seen so far , though , and the Australians will be laying down challenges again to the United States and Europe .
8 Pearson , England 's former centre-forward , is impressed with what he has seen so far at Valley Parade .
9 The demand for another tv series has exceded the number of books Dexter has written so far , though he is writing another at the moment .
10 Below Tg , however , the viscosity has risen so far that rapid crystallization is not possible and the material remains in the disordered glassy state .
11 The trouble today is that the student body has moved so far away from asserting its academic rights that it has become largely passive , simply accepting the fare put before it .
12 Airtours is keen to expand , but as Mr Coe points out , it has expanded so far mainly by organic growth and would like to continue it that way .
13 And if Mr Mellor insists , as he has done so far , that the auction solution is not open to revision , let them ask him , kindly but firmly , if such crude competition is really the format to put on his Saturday screen the modern successors of Cantelli , Neveu and Lipatti .
14 The present UK Conservative government seems eager to remove controls even in cases where many people consider them beneficial , for equally political reasons ; but it has done so far more quickly in some areas than others .
15 But apart from some rhetoric about acting to protect human health , all it has done so far is commission a report from the Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food .
16 In Family Structure in Nineteenth Century Lancashire ( 1971 ) Michael Anderson has shown that far from weakening kinship ties the Industrial Revolution may well have strengthened them .
17 It has got too far the imtimidation from the young people has got too bad to put up with
18 It has got too far the imtimidation from the young people has got too bad to put up with
19 Anyone who has got as far as saying this , has already thrown the first proposition overboard , because if it is ‘ the responsibility of management to do everything possible to keep prices stable or reduce prices ’ , then we would not need a commission to tell us that managements which raise prices are falling down on their responsibility .
20 Thank you Mr Mayor I just wanted t to come in with two fairly quick points er as to why I will not be able to support this amendment , but the first is that the leader of the council has indicated that the efficiency savings erm has got as far as it can go and that , you know , we have been trimming at the margins and there is no more margin left and that leads you to believe that perhaps one should be looking at somewhat more er root and branch type of pruning in the spending that that the labour group want to actually erm deal with , er and the second point I would like to make , and er I thank councillor for giving us a a a a new word tonight obfuscation because that describes exactly what I think the labour group are trying to do by bringing this figure down it removes the embarrassment they would have from having to add on a substantial sum of money f due to the failure to collect the cou er the community charge in previous years and I think that they are trying by by this amendment with some very quick foot work to try and delude the people of this city .
21 Yet , even here , there is a puzzle , a strange , unplaceable something which does n't quite fit with that account of the gradual driving out of the reader and the suggestion of a steady shift towards the rare and the difficult , for I would guess that anyone not put off in advance by suspicion or hearsay , anyone that is who has got as far as dipping into Ulysses , say , will have come hard up against things that are startlingly , even discomfortingly , recognisable .
22 That 's as far as my thinking has got so far . ’
23 It will then " give up " and return what it has got so far .
24 However , there is a widespread feeling that the balance of power has shifted too far toward developers and that the Department of the Environment is aiding and abetting this process through the appeal system .
25 When the boat has heeled too far it tries to turn up into the wind and a lot of rudder movement is needed to keep it straight .
26 He has ventured as far afield as Cathay and Lustria and has aided armies both human and High Elf against the forces of evil .
27 He is going through a dry patch at the moment as he has won only on match in the five tournaments he has played so far this year but I am sure he will work his way back again , he has got it in him .
28 I return to Summerchild , who has retreated as far as laughter will stretch and found nothing .
29 a new consciousness ( that ) is arising out of a morass of a declining society that has bent too far towards rationalism , towards technology , and toward the acquisition of power through unbridled competition .
30 ‘ By the time the weary reader has plodded that far , it will be clear even to the uninitiated that writing this book was a labour of hate — for reasons reviewers can not be expected to discern and which are in any case of small interest .
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