Example sentences of "been accompanied by [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Thatcher record since 1979 has been accompanied by a good deal of inflationary rhetoric from both supporters and critics .
2 The researchers said the Japanese growth in wealth seemed to have been accompanied by a narrowing in the difference in incomes between the richest and poorest , whereas in Britain the gap had widened .
3 The 1984 St Leger was classic Piggott in more ways than one , for the run-up to the race had been accompanied by a typical controversy over whether he had filched the big-race ride from a fellow jockey .
4 As in so many countries in Europe , the collapse of the communists has been accompanied by a resurgence of support for the extreme right .
5 The decline in residential capacity has been accompanied by a growth in community based alternatives such as specialist foster care , independent living under supervision and day-centres aimed at supporting , rather than supplanting , families .
6 At the same time this has been accompanied by a determined push by the German authorities through the EC institutions to impose a Community-wide statutory minimum wage to counter the high wage costs of West Germany .
7 The sharp fall in marriage rates since the early 1970s has been accompanied by a rise in the proportion of cohabiting couples .
8 The last time I had seen Peter , in Biarritz , he had been accompanied by a tall , fair-haired girl whom he had introduced as his fiancée .
9 The success of smoke control areas throughout the country has also had an overall effect on odour pollution , due to the fact that the reduction in smoke has been accompanied by a fall in sulphur dioxide in the atmosphere , which in itself is odorous .
10 And , attempts to encourage greater accountability and competition between authorities have tended to flounder because it has been accompanied by a higher degree of centralization and control and a wider gap between the possibilities of locally generated finance and overall levels of spending .
11 But the quantitative explosion in the feral dog population in Italy has been accompanied by a qualitative change .
12 The period 1860–90 was crucial for Germany : as the German state emerged and the German self-image was formed , Prussia-Germany went through a chaotic period of social and economic transformation : a boom in canal and railway building , in the steel industry , in banking , engineering , scientific research and in developing industrial techniques had been accompanied by a war with France ; this was followed by a slump , financial collapse and a steady move to the right in political thinking .
13 Criticism of a company 's accounts has , on occasion , been accompanied by a fall in its share price .
14 Forest 's last words had been accompanied by a guffaw , and Edward 's half-formed comment was drowned by the slamming of the door as the grinning man left .
15 But the growth of government has also been accompanied by a decline in the sense of individual responsibility : by parents for their children , by children for aging parents ; by businessmen for the viability of their companies .
16 President Reagan 's Strategic Defense Initiative , announced in 1983 , has always been accompanied by a strong element of criticism of existing US nuclear policy , but it may turn out to be a good deal less than the promised means of freeing the world from the scourge of nuclear weaponry .
17 He is consumed by the challenge of the world 's highest peaks , but this has been accompanied by a geographer 's fascination with visiting new places : a curiosity about the metaphysical undercurrents that accompany great risk ; a need to plumb the capabilities of mind and body and a corresponding empathy with mountain peoples who confront such tests in their everyday struggle with life .
18 The initial political and social fears of the masses had always been accompanied by a dread of their cultural impact and by a conviction that civilized values and standards could not possibly survive .
19 One of the most unambiguous demonstrations of this comes from New Guinea where the virtual abolition of tribal warfare achieved by relatively recent European rule has been accompanied by a marked increase in the incidence of sorcery accusations .
20 The dynastic change from Tudors to Stuarts in 1603 is sometimes said to have been accompanied by a shift from optimism to gloom , and Bacon certainly took an unusually sober approach .
21 In Britain at least , and to a greater or lesser extent in other financial centres also , this deregulatory trend has been accompanied by a wave of new regulatory developments to ensure that deregulation does not go too far .
22 War between Japan and the nations of the West had been accompanied by a partial rejection of Western cultural influences .
23 Moreover , this strategy of revolutionary elitism has been accompanied by a reversal of the tactic of campaigning on the basis of crude , ethnocentric prejudices .
24 This change has , however , been accompanied by a rise in home ownership and an explosion in house prices , which has been the second force at work affecting the distribution of wealth .
25 There would only be reason for despair if more general affluence had been accompanied by a withdrawal from the regard for precious substances , since this would imply rejection of the notion of excellence , the basis not merely of cultural advance but of the very attainment of humanity .
26 The subsuming of rural housing under a general ‘ housing problem ’ has also been accompanied by a change in emphasis in housing policy .
27 However , because the village newcomers possess their own cars , the reversal in the decline in rural population has not been accompanied by a revival of public transport .
28 In fact , they have been accompanied by a massive redistribution of population away from the largest cities to smaller settlements and more rural areas and by an acceleration of the drift from North to South .
29 Withdrawal from southern England , therefore , may have been accompanied by a period of consolidation in the more immediately adjoining territories around the Mercian heartland , analogous to processes at work in northern and southern England .
30 Developments in police-control techniques have been accompanied by a major extension of police powers which encourage their intervention , not only on marches , at demonstrations and mass pickets , but in the everyday affairs of the community .
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