Example sentences of "been approved by [art] " in BNC.

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1 These provisions were strengthened in the 1982 Act which provided that no closed shop should be enforceable unless it had been approved by a clear majority of employees voting in a secret ballot .
2 From July 22 , EC Directive 2092/91 comes into force , making it an offence to describe a wine as organic unless it has been approved by a governing body , itself approved by the EC .
3 The listing particulars may not be published until they have been approved by a competent authority in the member state ; the competent authority in the UK is the London Stock Exchange .
4 The Butler Education Act , designed to open higher education still further to the poor and unconnected , was not post-war , having been approved by a coalition government in 1944 ; and the new novelists can not have owed their years at Oxford to R. A. Butler , since they were all undergraduates there before that year .
5 Of course , it should be remembered that s3 subjects the terms to which it applies to a test of reasonableness , and where individual terms have been varied for a particular customer ( situation ( a ) ) , or where the terms have been approved by a trade association ( situation ( b ) ) or negotiated between the parties ( situation ( e ) ) they are more likely to satisfy the test of reasonableness .
6 The Plan has already been approved by the state environment authorities and is likely to be approved shortly by the Environmental Protection Agency in Washington .
7 THE International Weightlifting Federation , stung by a wave of positive drug tests , has introduced a controversial testing system which has not been approved by the Olympic movement .
8 Hence the proposal for a single-licence procedure , allowing no further challenges after a plant has been approved by the regulators and built .
9 Meanwhile , says Mr Cameron , almost identical stainless-steel cylinders produced by a German competitor and developed under a government subsidy have been approved by the tüv .
10 The appointment has been approved by the Prime Minister . ’
11 The syllabus has been approved by the School Examination and Assessment Council , using the same criteria applied to any other A-level chemistry syllabus .
12 A final dividend can only be paid after it has been approved by the shareholders at a general meeting and Resolution 2 seeks such approval .
13 Hall defended the action he had taken and proposed that ‘ during the recess , to look at the designs which had been approved by the judges , and endeavour to ascertain the expense of carrying them out ; but nothing further would be done until the House was informed on that point ’ .
14 As the University has been approved by the Access Courses Recognition Group ( ACRG ) as an Authorised Validating Agency all these courses are nationally recognized by way of a kitemark .
15 Sit in comfort For ages six months to four years , this reclining car seat has been approved by the Civil Aviation Authority for use in aircraft when fitted with a lap belt
16 In a further letter to the Chief Executive , Councillor Matheson said that , had emergency guidelines been approved by the committee , the department could have acted in the knowledge that its committee had backed their use .
17 hinted that the Council were too late to object , as span wires had already been approved by the Board of Trade , who objected to bracket arms over 16 feet in length , which might be necessary if the roads were widened .
18 The SORP , whose publication has been approved by the Accounting Standards Board , applies to financial years beginning on or after 23 December 1992 .
19 The Free Curl stylers have been approved by the Civil Aviation Authority , come with twinpack gas cartridges and are available at Boots and usual stockists from £14.95 .
20 At last December 's High Court hearing , Mr Maxwell , 36 , was held to have breached his duty as a director of BIM by signing forms for the transfer of five blocks of shares , worth about £580,000 , to Credit Suisse without obtaining an assurance the transfers had been approved by the BIM board .
21 If you miss a meeting , or a crucial decision within one , it is very difficult to have anything reversed afterwards , as it has then been approved by the consensus and therefore stands .
22 A plan to restore the windows at a cost of DFl.1.2 million has been approved by the State Office for Monuments who are putting up the greater part of the necessary funds .
23 The battle plan had still not been approved by the Japanese government .
24 Four companies — Siemens AG , L M Ericsson Telefon AB , Alcatel NV and Northern Telecom Ltd will share a $230m project to modernise parts of Bulgaria 's telephone system : the quartet has been approved by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the European Investment Bank ; the project is to digitise trunk and international telephone lines , as the first phase of a more thorough modernisation .
25 The budget , now whittled down to $160m , has only recently been approved by the General Assembly committee that does such jobs .
26 Except treasury bonds , no bonds may be publicly bought and sold unless the issuer has been in business for over a year , the prospectus has been appropriately published and the issue is gone through an issuing house , and the prospectus has been approved by the Authority .
27 Already because they 've been approved by the board .
28 The form of the proposed transfer had been approved by the building society .
29 The judge directed that the transfer was not to take place unless foster parents provisionally identified for W. had been approved by the local authority as foster carers .
30 has been approved by the Privy Council in South East Asia Fire Bricks Sdn .
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