Example sentences of "been suggested [that] [det] " in BNC.

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1 It has even been suggested that such observation , especially if associated with low morale among staff , may actually increase the risk of suicide ( Kobler and Stotland 1964 ) .
2 It has been suggested that such small cups and a pebble were an ancient form of mortar and pestle for grinding what ?
3 It has been suggested that such sediments are characteristic of aseismic continental shelves as they move away from a mid-oceanic ridge .
4 At Great Dunmow , for instance , it has been suggested that such strips were up to c. 100 m ( 327 ft ) deep , while the Fosse Way southwest of Ilchester was lined by two successive rows of enclosures some 50 by 20 m ( 165 by 66 ft ) in size .
5 It has been suggested that such terranes are equivalent to oceanic plateaus , which are to be found in the present-day ocean basins and which often rise several kilometres above the adjacent ocean floor ( Fig. 3.32 ) .
6 It has been suggested that such provisos are not effective in protecting a landlord from the severity of the law and can not be set up as a defence to the claim that by accepting rent the breach of covenant has been waived .
7 It has been suggested that such a speculative bubble may have been responsible for the rapid rise in equity prices in 1987 .
8 It has even been suggested that many of the markings found on upper palaeolithic artefacts and in caves are probably calendrical or astronomical in nature .
9 It has also been suggested that many of the species digest wood in their diet , particularly the often large panaques .
10 It had been suggested that many futurologists that greatly increased leisure for the multitudes will result from automation , computerisation , nuclear energy and other technological advances .
11 Some species grew in such a way that the last whorl overlaps the inner ones ; often these species become flat and discus-shaped : it has been suggested that this was a more ‘ streamlined ’ shape for active swimmers .
12 It has been suggested that this was the first time a summer pavilion had been adapted from a Greek temple .
13 And just to cap all this mythological irrelevance , the island of Vulcano is now linked by a small spit of land to another small volcano , Vulcanello , which used to be a separate island , and it has been suggested that this pair comprised the ‘ Scylla and Charybdis ’ , beloved of Homer and modern politicians , but then so have several other island pairs in the Mediterranean .
14 It has been suggested that this can happen with some food additives , particularly preservatives and synthetic colours .
15 Indeed , it has been suggested that this is precisely how lion prides arose , many years ago on the prey-rich plains of Africa , where the surplus of food led to an unusual increase in the lion population .
16 It has been suggested that this was a deliberate fix to discredit the royal printer .
17 Again , it has been suggested that this is associated with past experiences of violence on the part of the abuser .
18 It has been suggested that this is crucial to the development of the disease state , as application of amiloride by aerosol alleviates the decline in lung function in CF. It is not yet clear how a loss of CFTR function leads to this increase in sodium absorption .
19 It has been suggested that this form derives from that of the structure of the human eye itself , and may have been conceived by the theologist Fra' Paolo Sarpi , who collaborated on eye research in 1581–84 with Girolamo Fabrizio d'Acquapendente .
20 It has been suggested that this opinion establishes that members of an organisation do not remain ‘ masters of the treaty ’ in that they were unable to amend the constitutive treaty .
21 It has been suggested that this norm has altered and that the courts will recognise as valid only legislation which has been passed by both houses and given the royal assent , has not been repealed expressly or by implication and which accords with our obligations under community law .
22 It has been suggested that this restates Arnold 's conception of a group of " apostles of culture " who disseminate the " best " that is known and has been thought .
23 It has been suggested that this stone was brought from the Cultoon circle but there is no evidence that it was ever there and no good reason has been given for making such a move .
24 It has already been suggested that this is the reaction of many policemen .
25 It has been suggested that this arose from the withering of the barren fig tree which features in the Gospel 's account of Christ 's entry into Jerusalem .
26 There are nearly 8,000 farm managers in British agriculture and it has been suggested that this young , better trained group are at the forefront of the improvement of agriculture .
27 A high prevalence of bile acid malabsorption has been reported in patients with otherwise unexplained diarrhoea and it has been suggested that this is of pathogenetic importance and predictive of improvement with cholestyramine .
28 Increased oesophageal alkaline exposure has been previously demonstrated in patients with Barrett 's columnar lined lower oesophagus and it has been suggested that this might be secondary to increased duodenogastric reflux using discriminant analysis in a small number of patients .
29 It has been suggested that this acetylation process may inactivate the drug , and the results of clinical treatment trials of Ac-ASA have been conflicting , with the drug being ineffective in two out of three trials .
30 The sense of joy and spiritual opportunity at the heart of this interpretation of human history and the life of faith is vibrantly embodied in a fifteenth-century carol : It has been suggested that this carol is guilty of reducing the mystery of God to human terms and redemption itself to " little more than a lark " .
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