Example sentences of "been placed [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 A preheated cupping glass would then have been placed over the wound and the cooling action of the air inside would have produced a vacuum capable of sucking the blood out .
2 Police , firemen and council workers had worked through the night to restore the scene of the atrocity , and fresh paving stones had already been placed over the gaping holes left by the blasts .
3 But by the end of 1884 , 14 sites in England had been placed under the act , including the Arbor Low and Rollright stone circles and Silbury Hill , plus two in Scotland , and more followed in later years .
4 It has been suggested that the ambush on William Black at his cottage was the work of an MRF unit which had been placed under the charge of the SAS specialist from Hereford .
5 The principal target of the order , however , appeared to be the territorial defence forces in Slovenia and Croatia , which had been placed under the control of the republican leaderships by legislation passed in Slovenia in October 1990 [ see p. 37790 ] and in Croatia on Nov. 8 , and a newly formed Croatian paramilitary police reserve known as the specijalci .
6 The girl is looking off-screen to the right , so she has been placed to the left of the frame to give her ‘ looking room ’ .
7 Modern streets and houses , often on council-built estates , have been placed beyond the older terraced housing ( K3 ) .
8 It contains all the elements that have normally been placed at the centre of crisis theory in the Marxist tradition , i.e. the falling rate of profit , excess capital , excess commodities .
9 It was agreed that chapters 15 to 17 should be printed on yellow-tinted paper , with the following explanation at the top of the contents page : ‘ For ease of reference , chapters 15 to 17 have been placed at the front of the report , adjacent to the proposals , and are printed on tinted paper . ’
10 Something had been placed at the top of the steps , a human figure , bundled up in a blanket .
11 If your item of concern has been placed at the end of the agenda , the probability is that time will run out and you may want to get it moved forward .
12 Yesterday flowers had been placed at the spot where the young schoolfriends died and a simple wooden cross bore the message ‘ To Deanne and Nadine with love . ’
13 A case , or carton , something like that , had been placed at the bottom .
14 They have been placed at the head of this chapter only because it is the extreme case which so often bothers the social worker in consideration of what he or she might be involved in if the sexual side of the work develops .
15 He had been placed at the head of the table , a Solomon come to judgement , but a far from happy one .
16 Her trunk had been placed at the foot of her bed , whose curtains , in harmony with those at the window , were of heavy glazed chintz patterned with flowers .
17 A priority order form has been placed at the end of this section .
18 A pottery plaque has been placed at the entrance and her picture on the wall in the vestibule .
19 RENEWED pressure has been placed on the Government to lengthen the summer season by bringing Britain up to European standards for public holidays .
20 The bolts have been placed on the broken right wall of the crag to furnish a zigzagging handrail across about 100 feet of rock .
21 At the time , Eurotunnel said the contracts had been placed on the assumption passengers would stay with cars , but that the rolling stock could be altered , if required , by the Safety Authority .
22 The village was quiet with only a couple of old men sitting on a bench outside the church as we drove through the gates of the big house and along the road through the village , passing the Chateau where the Commando dead had been placed on the front lawn shortly after we had entered the village , and during the bitter fighting of the first ten days .
23 The apocalypse of the Cold War had been placed on the agenda .
24 The long tin bath that usually hung by one of its handles on the wall of the pantry had been placed on the level paving stones at the bottom end of the back yard .
25 Secondly , the answers will only reveal any proposals for new roads and so on that have actually been placed on the council 's register .
26 Thus emphasis has often been placed on the use of the card catalogue as a major source for locating material , out of all proportion to its value for obtaining information when compared to other tools for information retrieval .
27 An ivory ban was supported by the EEC , the USA , Japan and Hong Kong midway through 1989 and now the African elephant has been placed on the CITES Appendix 1 list .
28 Vines shaded it , and pots of brilliant flowers had been placed on the balustrade .
29 An artificial pink rose had been placed on the red cover roughly in the centre of the body .
30 The wholesale slaughter of these magnificent animals by poachers has been averted to a considerable degree since embargoes have been placed on the exportation of their skins and on products manufactured locally for the Indian tourist industry , such as briefcases , wallets , belts and handbags .
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