Example sentences of "been placed [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In August 1989 Scottish police visited Malta to investigate the Talb connection , and in October investigators confirmed that they were examining the possibility that the bomb had been placed aboard an Air Malta flight before being transferred to Pan Am 's Frankfurt-London-New York flight PA 103 .
2 A preheated cupping glass would then have been placed over the wound and the cooling action of the air inside would have produced a vacuum capable of sucking the blood out .
3 Police , firemen and council workers had worked through the night to restore the scene of the atrocity , and fresh paving stones had already been placed over the gaping holes left by the blasts .
4 By March 14 the entire homeland area had been placed under a state of emergency .
5 Saadi , whose family dynasty had effectively run the province for over 40 years , had been dismissed as governor by President Carlos Saúl Menem in April 1991 and the province had been placed under a federal government trusteeship , following widespread evidence of official involvement in corruption and drug trafficking [ see p. 38144 ] .
6 * Evidence is growing that BSE may be transmitted through the generations , after a third cow which has not received contaminated feed has been placed under a restriction order on the grounds of suspected infection .
7 But by the end of 1884 , 14 sites in England had been placed under the act , including the Arbor Low and Rollright stone circles and Silbury Hill , plus two in Scotland , and more followed in later years .
8 It has been suggested that the ambush on William Black at his cottage was the work of an MRF unit which had been placed under the charge of the SAS specialist from Hereford .
9 The principal target of the order , however , appeared to be the territorial defence forces in Slovenia and Croatia , which had been placed under the control of the republican leaderships by legislation passed in Slovenia in October 1990 [ see p. 37790 ] and in Croatia on Nov. 8 , and a newly formed Croatian paramilitary police reserve known as the specijalci .
10 The girl is looking off-screen to the right , so she has been placed to the left of the frame to give her ‘ looking room ’ .
11 Modern streets and houses , often on council-built estates , have been placed beyond the older terraced housing ( K3 ) .
12 It contains all the elements that have normally been placed at the centre of crisis theory in the Marxist tradition , i.e. the falling rate of profit , excess capital , excess commodities .
13 It was agreed that chapters 15 to 17 should be printed on yellow-tinted paper , with the following explanation at the top of the contents page : ‘ For ease of reference , chapters 15 to 17 have been placed at the front of the report , adjacent to the proposals , and are printed on tinted paper . ’
14 Something had been placed at the top of the steps , a human figure , bundled up in a blanket .
15 If your item of concern has been placed at the end of the agenda , the probability is that time will run out and you may want to get it moved forward .
16 Yesterday flowers had been placed at the spot where the young schoolfriends died and a simple wooden cross bore the message ‘ To Deanne and Nadine with love . ’
17 A case , or carton , something like that , had been placed at the bottom .
18 They have been placed at the head of this chapter only because it is the extreme case which so often bothers the social worker in consideration of what he or she might be involved in if the sexual side of the work develops .
19 He had been placed at the head of the table , a Solomon come to judgement , but a far from happy one .
20 Her trunk had been placed at the foot of her bed , whose curtains , in harmony with those at the window , were of heavy glazed chintz patterned with flowers .
21 A priority order form has been placed at the end of this section .
22 A pottery plaque has been placed at the entrance and her picture on the wall in the vestibule .
23 The girl had been placed on a social services ‘ at risk ’ register after suffering a broken arm and collarbone in a fall .
24 If the BRAC workers had collaborated more closely with the village practitioners , then the lobon-gur solution would probably have been placed on a better footing in the Bangladeshi villages .
25 Two litre bottles of mineral water had been placed on a small wooden table with a hard-backed chair .
26 The throne , whose gothic spires rose high above the Collector 's head , had been placed on a wooden dais at one end of the banqueting hall .
27 Different types of software have been placed on a continuum from machine orientated to user orientated .
28 A group of musicians stood in the angle of one of the buttresses of the cathedral playing tambour and fife whilst the Dean and Chapter , garlands of roses on their heads , danced in solemn procession around the severed head of a buck which had been placed on a pole , its brown eyes staring glassily over those who now rejoiced at its death .
29 Coils of 15-amp wire and hand tools had been placed on a groundsheet .
30 ‘ To ensure discoloured water is kept to a minimum , North Ormesby has been placed on a regular flushing programme . ’
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