Example sentences of "been said [that] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It has also been said that private companies can be enticed into investment in eastern Europe , as in the deal whereby BSN of France and Nestle of Switzerland bought a stake in Czech confectioner Chakoladnovy .
2 That is , if then Q and If Q then R , where these are such conditionals , entail If P then R. It has sometimes been said that certain other " if " statements are not transitive — for example , " If J. Edgar Hoover had been born a Russian , he would have been a Communist " , " If he had been a Communist , he would have been a traitor " , and " If he had been born a Russian , he would have been a traitor " .
3 Not surprisingly , it has often been said that foreign learners of English need to learn English intonation ; some have gone further than this and claimed that , unless the foreign learner learns the appropriate way to use intonation in a given situation , there is a risk that he or she may unintentionally give offence ; for example , the learner might use an intonation suitable for expressing boredom or discontent when what was needed was an expression of gratitude or affection .
4 And it has been said that local authorities are not always very sympathetic to acting as a choice of career and sometimes obtaining a grant may be more difficult if a student has evidently changed his or her career tack .
5 It has been said that old age comes as a surprise : I was then eighty but had yet to realise it .
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