Example sentences of "been replace by [art] " in BNC.

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1 The original double entrance doors to the booking hall had been replace by an utterly incongruous picture window as had adjacent booking hall and waiting room windows .
2 - You notice that the section of your local supermarket which has stocked picnic and barbecue material since the birth of time has suddenly disappeared and been replaced by a new section stocking wrapping paper , crackers and tinsel decorations .
3 The traditional post-war argument between different kinds of interventionism has been replaced by a much broader debate .
4 The rest of the ground floor , occupying the Victorian extension of the main block , converted satisfactorily into a garage , boiler room and tankroom for oil storage once the existing timber floor of this section had been replaced by a concrete slab .
5 It has now been replaced by a new colonnade .
6 Now the standard pto has been replaced by a beefier home-made version .
7 For , when she had woken up , rather late that morning , her usual brightness had been replaced by a quiet , sinking unhappiness , and instead of getting straight out of bed and opening the curtains to see what kind of weather was there , she had huddled down between the sheets , reluctant to face anything .
8 But , by the six o'clock news , that tarmac scene had been replaced by a news conference in the airport lounge with the usual polished platitudes .
9 Still in use in the ‘ seventies ’ this type of Credit is now largely defunct having been replaced by a plethora of banking ‘ products ’ such as Travellers Cheques , EuroCheques and Credit & Charge Cards .
10 The big supermarkets , or what seemed big supermarkets then , which disfigured numerous high streets in the 1960s , have now been replaced by a much larger generation of stores .
11 The wetlands , long regarded as wastes by generations of farmers , have been replaced by a harvest which fits the dictionary definition of ‘ waste ’ in every sense .
12 ( Moss 1989a ) A view of all-powerful texts exerting ideological effects on a vulnerable readership has been replaced by a more complex understanding of the relationship between text and reader in which texts appear more contradictory and readers able to answer back .
13 The Tramway Engineer , Mr. Freddie Field , was responsible for the display , and his centre-piece was the creation of an illuminated Venetian Gondola from the remains of car 28 , which had been replaced by a new Standard car of the same number .
14 Bedpans had gone from earthenware to papier-mâché , bottles had progressed from glass to plastic , but there was the same kindly welcome , much the same decor except that the photo of George VI had been replaced by a poster on the etiquette of urinating .
15 The older organic links between the council , the Labour Party and the trade unions have been replaced by a much wider constituency and coalition .
16 The single , large , all-embracing , annually printed guide , covering all aspects of the library service , has largely disappeared , and has been replaced by a variety of new formats .
17 In each individual at any moment during the period of change , a similar proportion of the copies of a gene family will have been replaced by a new variant copy .
18 Among the tortoises and turtles , the overlapping scales have been replaced by a large , thick armoured box of horn .
19 The harsh , brittle sound of the old black discs , always a considerable drawback , has been replaced by a wholly revitalised and much more flattering aural image , enabling us to fully appreciate what remains a classic of the gramophone .
20 The frantic animation , the barely-suppressed hysteria , had been replaced by a languid , dopey calm .
21 They had turned her pillow so that it was fresh , and the tawdry finery had long since been replaced by a smooth , pale quilt that reached to her breast .
22 His memory of her , which for years , a traitor to grief and to their love , he had resolutely tried to suppress because the pain had seemed unbearable , had gradually been replaced by a boyish , romantic dream of gentleness and beauty now fixed for ever beyond the depredation of time .
23 But the old pub had burnt down in the 1960s and been replaced by a more profitable and thrusting enterprise .
24 About 1868 a new school was built but this has now been replaced by a modern and forward thinking school for five to eleven year olds .
25 The original school has been replaced by a modern one with spacious play areas , and the old one has been converted into a home for the elderly .
26 I have observed that this species can breed at sizes of little more than 1″ , but I have only seen this happen where a larger adult in my colony has died and been replaced by a young fish .
27 For instance , the original vibrato unit has been replaced by a Washburn Wonderbar , and the nut has been swapped for what looks like graphite , presumably to aid tuning stability .
28 I did n't feel pain from the burns any more , but that had been replaced by a pain a thousand times worse .
29 Like Alciston and most other Sussex parishes it seems to have had a fairly prosperous time until the mid-fourteenth century ; the early over-large tax demands of the Norman overlords had been replaced by a much more balanced local appreciation of the revenue possibilities .
30 The lip-to-lip contact had been replaced by a polite peck on the cheek and the royal couple behaved more like acquaintances than lovers .
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