Example sentences of "been drive [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The travellers had been driving for six hours , and as the meter in the cab had been showing a steady sixty miles an hour , they must have covered over three hundred and fifty miles .
2 He 'd been driving for sixty years , you 've never had an accident .
3 The trouble was , once you 'd been driving for that long , you drove right through your tiredness and out into a dreamland where only the road was moving .
4 As Mary recovered at home in neighbouring Bakewell yesterday , husband Harold , 85 , a retired engineer , said : ‘ Mary has been driving for 17 years , and is very good .
5 I can do it , but I 've been driving for two and a half years
6 So I should n't think he 's been driving for some time and
7 She tried to recall when she had last passed a house , an AA box , a public telephone , but it seemed to her that she had been driving through deserted countryside for at least ten minutes .
8 He had been driving at high speed when me helicopter flew past him .
9 ‘ I 've been driving like mad to catch up with you .
10 Mechanic , Steve Bunce is finding more and more work for himself with cars which have been driven on unleaded fuel and which are running into trouble .
11 If outrage were the sole test of legality in the arts , then the Impressionists would never have been allowed to organise the Salon des Refusés , Edvard Munch would have been driven into permanent exile , and the score of Stravinsky 's Rite of Spring would be gathering dust in some criminal museum like the Italian negative of Bertolucci 's Last Tango in Paris .
12 One official wrote that the missing cattle ‘ have probably been driven off some distance by some of the bolder spirits of the village , and hired out for the season to some not over-scrupulous cultivator , with instructions to let them go loose when done with .
13 ‘ Everyone does , ’ said Comfort , forgetting the times when she had been driven to distracted cruelty by Julia 's unfailing matter-of-factness — and by her concentration on other people .
14 NO wonder Princess Diana has been driven to desperate measures .
15 The crop has simply been driven to less-policed regions .
16 To some extent they have been driven to this by brutal economics .
17 The surveyors for the new tunnel reckoned that no tunnel except Brindley 's before it had ever been driven through such hard rock .
18 Channel 5 Everyone wants more choice , and Channel 5 has been driven by technological developments .
19 And then we have the third issue which is site selection and here they are at one with the local communities when they say this particular er selected site has been driven by economic consideration and not environmental consideration .
20 We killed time by looking at classic cars that had been driven by classic car ‘ lovers ’ as they called themselves all the way from southern Italy .
21 Mr Rowland 's bitter campaign of vengeance has been driven by that affront .
22 Evidence that long tails impose viability costs is very limited , yet without this it remains possible that tail elongation has sometimes been driven by natural selection , perhaps because it improves aerodynamic efficiency , manoeuvrability or stability .
23 Even now , of course , her mother would deny that she 'd been driven by physical needs — she still insisted on living the lie that hers had been a love-story doomed to disaster .
24 Published work on screening for osteoporosis is based largely on experience in the United States , where widespread growth of screening has been driven by commercial factors and not by public health policy .
25 There had been no poverty at all , no necessity to move except the necessity of a woman who had been driven by some perverse whim to deny her former husband the right to see his daughter .
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