Example sentences of "been suggest [conj] a " in BNC.

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1 The argument of this chapter has been to suggest that a distinctive mode of rationality , which is postmodernist in its opposition to the principles of the Weberian/Fordist organization pattern , may have emerged in some aspects of post-war Japan .
2 This is a relatively small volcano , and so easily accessible that it has even been suggested that a hotel should be built beneath it , to make an especially attractive night spot for jaded Guatemalans , but so far no one has risked the capital .
3 It has recently been suggested that a good name for eruptions of this type would be ‘ Surtseyan ’ , after the eruption off Iceland in 1963 .
4 It has been suggested that a bomb be simply defined as an ejected block with a shape sufficiently interesting to attract attention .
5 It has been suggested that a minister for science and technology is needed to take charge of this programme and argue the case for science and technology .
6 The first wave of aggregation induced by adrenaline is associated with uptake of calcium by platelets , and it has been suggested that a localised flux of calcium into the platelet plasma membrane enables the platelets to stick together ( Gerrard et al , 1981 ) .
7 Secondly , it has been suggested that a second organisational control device used by management in the face of potentially recalcitrant workers is the use of the internal labour market .
8 It has been suggested that a totally new system of open fields for arable agriculture was laid out in at least one area of England in the seventh century ( Hall 1979 ; 1981 ) .
9 It has been suggested that a mobile chemical signal is the causal agent linking the local wound stimulus to the distant systemic response , and candidates such as oligosaccharides , abscisic acid and a polypeptide have been put forward .
10 It has , however , been suggested that a similar shift in desorption temperature , after alkali promotion of a Pt 111 surface , is due mainly to a decrease in the desorption frequency factor rather than to an increased activation energy .
11 As a significant number of people with a normal resting ejection fraction die within the first year following infarction , it has been suggested that a fall in ejection fraction on exercise may identify this group .
12 It has even been suggested that a member could exercise control with as little as one per cent of the votes .
13 Thus it has been suggested that a key difference between invertebrate and vertebrate brains is that in the former a great deal of power and responsibility could be invested in a single cell or even synapse which in the vertebrate nervous system would be more widely distributed .
14 There were Greek mercenaries in the Egyptian army of Necho son of Psammetzchus who killed Josiah — allegedly at Megiddo — in 608 B.C. There were thirty thousand Greeks , according to Herodotus , in the army of Necho 's grandson Apries who tried to relieve Babylonian pressure on Palestine in 588 ( Jerem. 37.5 ) and probably precipitated the final onslaught of Nebuchadnezzar on Jerusalem in 586 B.C. It has even been suggested that a king of Judah had Greek mercenaries .
15 It has been suggested that a giant meteorite falling in the Atlantic would produce a wave twenty thousand feet high .
16 It has been suggested that a London equalisation scheme could be brought back .
17 The Lillian Snelling works , for instance , are of interest to Kew , and it has been suggested that a joint exhibition could be mounted .
18 Similarly it has been suggested that a weak hydrogen bond , which is strong enough to induce miscibility can form between the carbonyl unit of poly ( methyl methacrylate ) and the α-hydrogen of poly ( vinyl chloride ) ( example 3 where ) .
19 For samples which fall within the appropriate range it has been suggested that a universal calibration curve can be constructed to relate V R and M , by assuming that the hydrodynamic volume of a macromolecule is related to the product , where [ η ] is the intrinsic viscosity of the polymer in the carrier solvent used , at the temperature of measurement .
20 It has even been suggested that a lobe of liver might be removed , disaggregated , treated with the gene in vitro , and then ‘ re-seeded ’ into the hepatic vessels from whence it will repopulate the regenerating liver .
21 It has been suggested that a considerable number of healthy people previously infected with H pylori might remain seropositive despite the spontaneous elimination of the organisms .
22 On the basis of this and other studies , it has been suggested that a functional physiological specialisation does exist in the human colon , with the proximal segments representing sites of mixing and storage of contents , whereas the distal ones would act as a conduit to propel faeces to the rectal ampulla .
23 It has been suggested that a peptide within A-gliadin , which has sequence homology with the E1b protein of adenovirus 12 , may be an important epitope in the generation of such an aberrant immune response .
24 It has since been suggested that a preliminary meeting for the chosen co-ordinators take place sometime at the Q.T. day to be held on 27th February .
25 It has been suggested that a hot layer at the core-mantle boundary , generated by convection in the mobile outer core , produces a circulating system extending up through the entire mantle ( Fig. 2.17(C) ) .
26 It has been suggested that a freezing rate of at least 0.1 °C per minute and temperatures of -5 to -10°C are required for rock shattering to occur .
27 It had been suggested that a form of graduated PAF be introduced according to the number of classes taught by individual teachers .
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