Example sentences of "have [vb pp] considerable [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 However , none of them has been found in an archaeological context and they have aroused considerable suspicion : they could be relatively modern copies loosely based on Italic originals ; they could be genuine prehistoric imports ; or they could be perfectly genuine figures brought to Britain relatively recently as curios and since discarded or lost .
2 Because of the high profile of the industries , the reports have aroused considerable interest .
3 A number of foreign banks have developed considerable expertise in the area of project finance .
4 As noted , structuring does not merely involve routine tasks but also often requires complex financial engineering , in which houses based in London have developed considerable expertise over the years .
5 I have developed considerable regard and affection over the years for Jack Profumo , who has worked his passage after having been what is technically described as ‘ disgraced ’ in circumstances where a great number of people would not have been over-censorious .
6 The Disability Unit of the Department of Transport in Marsham Street is another source which you might like to consult concerning wheelchair-accessible taxis , as they have developed considerable interest and expertise in this area .
7 I have received considerable assistance in drafting the Bill from the Government and from my hon. Friend the Minister for Roads and Traffic , who is on the Front Bench .
8 Strategies for integrating data reported at different geographical scales and for different map projections have received considerable attention over the past few decades ( Robinson et al. 1984 ; Burrough 1986 ) .
9 The motivations — both many and complex — behind Japan 's desire to exert her influence in Asia have received considerable attention from historians .
10 In contrast the physical environment and equipment specifications have received considerable attention .
11 Equally , the converse is true , and even where headteachers and officers have received considerable training in management skills , they still find it difficult to organise schools effectively .
12 The reports have attracted considerable publicity although only a tiny proportion of the reports have been debated in the House .
13 Her findings have attracted considerable attention , which can not be summarized here .
14 The government 's four London Road Assessment studies and the Central London Rail Study are designed to improve matters in and around the capital but have attracted considerable hostility from conservation groups and some local authorities who believe the environmental consequences of major new road building will be catastrophic .
15 RECENT developments in the British coal industry have added considerable value to this photographic study following the death throes of the Pug as well as Scottish steam .
16 Their membership , mainly middle-class , have met considerable difficulty in trying to achieve their limited goals — integrated schooling for the children of those parents who wish it — though some of the membership in the early days were aiming at a total integration of the schooling system .
17 Recent years have seen considerable emphasis on attracting adults to higher and further education .
18 My house faces southwest and over the years and especially in the last recent abnormally hot summers , the panels in the front door have undergone considerable shrinkage .
19 Many teachers have felt considerable frustration when uncertainty , for example at national level , has been used by heads as an excuse to avoid school planning beyond the immediate future .
20 All these studies have revealed considerable variability in the sensitivity of InsP 3 -induced release , which gives rise to the phenomenon of ‘ quantal calcium release ’ .
21 Investors have made considerable capital gains .
22 And it would seem that physiologists — working within the common-sense assumptions that we experience the world because it impinges upon our bodies and that what we experience is what , directly or indirectly , impinges on our bodies in the form of transferred energy — have made considerable progress in explaining how ‘ the diversity of working produceth the diversity of experience ’ .
23 We have made considerable progress since the beginning of this chapter .
24 In particular , writers in the fields of corporate strategy and industrial economics have made considerable progress in areas which contribute to the types of analysis needed in stages 1–3 , and others with a more behavioural perspective to their research have advanced understanding of the organizational and human processes by which these stages are acted out in companies .
25 Other countries have made considerable progress on lines similar to this .
26 Some analysts have made considerable use of pictorial , literary and archaeological evidence from the Continent .
27 We have had considerable difficulty in the current year , in meeting the demand upon children 's services , and we have met those difficulties , in no small part , from the use of carry forwards within the year , and before you come to looking at reductions in services on the salmon papers , the children 's service is going to , and in fact is doing a redirection of its funding to ensure that it stays within its base budget in future years .
28 ( b ) Assuming the mortgage debt In the past practitioners have had considerable difficulty where the transferee wife took over property subject to a mortgage liability .
29 For example , Roman Jakobson and his Prague school colleague René Wellek have had considerable influence on literary studies through their teaching and work in the United States for a number of decades , and , although it carried no explicit theoretical creed , René Wellek 's Theory of Literature ( co-authored with Austin Warren and first published in 1949 ) was for many years the only widely available explicitly theoretical account of literary studies for Anglo-Saxon students of literature .
30 We work in the Health arena , you yourself have had considerable experience , and you referred to the changing roles between public and private agencies , and you mentioned trusts and so on in the health arena , I just wondered whether you 'd like to explore with us a little , your own personal thinking about the nature of these changing roles , and perhaps a little bit of crystal ball gazing ahead ,
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