Example sentences of "have [adv] argue that " in BNC.

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1 We have long argued that the Post Office scheme is detrimental to the survival of townland names .
2 Ramblers have long argued that the army 's needs should be subjected to independent scrutiny , adding the independent National Parks Review panel had agree with the group .
3 We have merely argued that such an existent belongs to .
4 Thus , while Sharpe , White , and Bernard do not believe that the Arminians should be blamed for causing the civil war of the 1640s , Tyacke , John Morrill , and other historians have conversely argued that Laud and his fellow prelates should bear a major part of the responsibility for provoking what they regard as ‘ England 's wars of religion ’ .
5 If giving or withholding this responsibility were possible options in a one-person game , then this criterion would do nothing to counter the charge of arbitrariness but I have already argued that they are not and could not be .
6 We have already argued that the data used in discourse analysis will inevitably reflect the analyst 's particular interests .
7 We have already argued that the concept of a syndrome is not of use as far as theoretical analysis of language disorders is concerned , because it is not the case that a small number of syndromes ( defined as sets of symptoms which always co-occur ) actually exist .
8 We have already argued that a period of sustained expansion can occur only if potential profitability can be maintained , that is , if an adequate balance between productivity and real wages can be sustained .
9 We have just argued that an important feature of research is its concern with the nature of the event under scrutiny .
10 But such sales are important : property bulls have always argued that prices can not fall because there are hardly ever any transactions .
11 We have always argued that the main motivation for government funding of research should be wealth creation .
12 I have always argued that although the committee of the regions is not in itself Europe of the regions , it could be an important stepping stone on that road and could , eventually , develop into a second chamber to the European Parliament .
13 I have also argued that feminists should be careful not to confuse the linguistic and the metalinguistic , even if the boundary between them is often fuzzy .
14 Experts have also argued that Britain has the most favourable conditions in Europe for the exploitation of wind , wave and tidal power .
15 You have also argued that any generation of increased commuting
16 Religious apologists have often argued that when science and religion are properly understood , they can be in perfect harmony .
17 But unlike those Marxists who conceive of the mass media as no more than relay systems working on behalf of the dominant classes , some have forcefully argued that systems of maintenance and reproduction do not necessarily operate smoothly ; there are contradictions , there is social and political dissent and there is political struggle .
18 Some astronomers have convincingly argued that a BL Lac object ( a clumsy terminology referring to the first of this class to be discovered ) is simply a quasar with one of its beams pointing straight at us .
19 Indeed , advocates of floating have frequently argued that the need for fewer rules , and reduced formal cooperation , confers an important advantage on the present system over its predecessor .
20 Critics of the decision to include death rates in the RAWP formula have implicitly argued that they should correlate nearly perfectly with sickness rates ; in the light of such evidence , they have advocated dropping them ( Forster 1977 ; Barr and Logan 1977 ) .
21 And Hodge and Whitby ( 1981 ) , the theory 's authors , have indeed argued that rural labour markets are at the core of the problem of rural depopulation in developed countries .
22 Some have indeed argued that such a community can be regarded as a sort of superorganism , which adapts to the environment , regulates its numbers , stores information and behaves in a strongly cognitive manner .
23 I have consistently argued that the primary school should provide children with an ever widening range of experience .
24 Finally , Lindsey and other tax experts have consistently argued that as tax rates are cut , economic efficiency is raised by reducing tax breaks and shelters at the same time .
25 THE FOSSIL RECORD shows that throughout the history of life on Earth the groups of animals that were dominant in any one age were often replaced wholesale in the next age by others animal of a quite different group ; and biologists have sometimes argued that such replacements occur because of direct competition between the old dominant type and the new .
26 Cultural anthropologists have commonly argued that the existence of substantial differences among cultures is evidence of the absence of underlying biological influence ( Sahlins , 1976 ; Harris , 1981 ) .
27 Ball and Halwachi ( 1987 ) have recently argued that performance indicators can not be effectively employed within British higher education because of the absence of clearly specified institutional goals .
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