Example sentences of "were approved by [art] " in BNC.

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1 The commission proposals were approved by a three-to-one majority .
2 In the west , a woman could only have an abortion if this were approved by a doctor on medical , genetic or psychological grounds .
3 From 1967 to 1979 , tuna catch quotas set by the Commission were approved by the IATTC countries .
4 Brunel then prepared some guide-lines , which were approved by the other judges and sent to the assessors by Buckler on the same day .
5 And yet , although Lloyd George was the author of the Free City proposals , they were approved by the Americans and the French , and had the Poles not been so heavily engaged against the Soviets by this time , they might still have attempted to seize Danzig by force — there was certainly little the Germans could have done to prevent such a move .
6 Murderer Steven Mynott , 29 , and Phillip Ayres , 25 , fled the day after improvements to a 17ft security fence were approved by the Prison Department .
7 Thus he deplored the action of the former Archbishop Sancroft in consecrating two new bishops , whose names were approved by the exiled James II , in order to maintain the Apostolic Succession among the non-jurors .
8 All such badges were approved by the College of Arms in exactly the same way as a noble family would have had their mark introduced .
9 The Policy Planning Staff opinion on Kremlin-directed strategy went word for word into the NSC report The position of the United States with respect to Asia ( NSC 48/1 ) whose conclusions were approved by the US President on 30 December 1949 ( NSC 48/2 ) , although in the NSC paper it was an expression that was qualified by the proposition that it was the colonial — nationalist conflict which had provided a fertile field for subversive communist activities .
10 These accounts were approved by the Board on 15th July 1991 .
11 The protocols for the trials were approved by the ethical committee .
12 The studies were approved by the ethics committee , and all volunteers gave written informed consent .
13 The end of January saw the culmination of 10 months painstaking work by the Telephones Project Team when its recommendations to improve our telephone system were approved by the Quality Council and the Group Board .
14 Ironically , given the state of collapse of communism across Eastern Europe and the avowed reformist intentions of the BCP , when Lukanov 's proposals for the composition of his government were approved by the National Assembly on Feb. 8 Bulgaria acquired for the first time in its history an all-communist government .
15 Although some deputies represented minor parties and associations , as had happened in the past , all candidates were approved by the ruling communist Korean Workers ' Party led by Kim Il Sung .
16 Assuming that the reforms were approved by the People 's Assembly — scheduled to debate them in early 1991 — opposition parties could be legalized by the end of March .
17 A number of appointments to the State Council were approved by the NPC on April 8 .
18 Changes to Cuba 's 1976 Constitution were approved by the 11th ordinary meeting of the National Assembly of Popular Power on July 11-12 .
19 Reforms designed to reduce federal contributions to the health service by DM11,400 million a year over the next two years were approved by the Cabinet on Aug. 12 and tabled in the Bundestag on Sept. 11 .
20 All 154 candidates were approved by the Lao Front for National Construction , the " mass organization " dominated by the ruling Lao People 's Revolutionary Party .
21 The accounts were approved by the Board of Directors on 8th June 1993 and signed on its behalf by : R K A Wakeling Directors J N Sheldrick
22 These Accounts were approved by the Directors on 16th June 1993 .
23 These studies were approved by the Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects at Loyola University Medical Center .
24 All patients gave fully informed consent to the studies which were approved by the Harrow Health Authority Ethical Committee .
25 All patients gave fully informed consent for these studies that were approved by the Harrow Health Authority ethics committee .
26 Informed written consent was obtained and the experimental techniques were approved by the Salford Health Authority Ethics Committee .
27 All patients gave written informed consent , and the studies were approved by the ethical committee of the Royal Liverpool University Hospital .
28 In the words of Pollock B in Hazelton ( 1874 ) LR 2 CCR 134 , which were approved by the Court of Appeal in Gilmartin [ 1983 ] QB 953 , the accused represents that " the existing state of facts is such that in the ordinary course the cheque will be met " .
29 Herbert Morrison wrote shortly before the 1933 Labour Party Conference : If the Socialist League point of view were approved by the Party it would drive us to defend ourselves for the greater part of our time against Tory allegations of Bolshevism and dictatorship .
30 The escape comes the day after improvements to the 17ft high security fence were approved by the Prison Department .
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