Example sentences of "were faced with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The sober grey suit has been replaced in some instances by pink corduroys and sandals , while some interviewers were faced with female candidates in low cut dresses or transparent blouses .
2 Along the way Aileen told people all about the charity and the work they do for children with terminal or life threatening illnesses , she also explained just what the charity had done for her family when they were faced with such a situation .
3 Because of the arguments I have mentioned , and others like them , the supporters of the Copernican theory were faced with serious difficulties .
4 The evidence here is provided by the well-known experiments , now questioned , where children were faced with two identical tumblers of water , one poured into a wide , shallow container , the other into a tall , narrow container .
5 Having the responsibility vested in them to provide education for the children in their areas , they were faced with two problems : teachers ' action and withdrawal of goodwill and a central Government elected with the mandate to restrict public spending .
6 Leinster Council secretary Michael Delaney said last night : ‘ We were faced with two options , either make it all ticket or take the game out of Wexford Park and obviously Wexford were n't too keen on that idea . ’
7 People who owned such land at the time that pressure for development came upon it — whether industrial or residential ; indeed obviously , the two went together — were faced with two choices .
8 It is more remarkable that the religious houses survived so well than that they were faced with economic problems , and if they were sometimes regarded as grasping landlords , they had little option to be anything else .
9 At that time they were faced with legal fees of £3,000 if they sued the surveyor , and the risk of losing this as well if they could not prove the surveyor 's negligence in law .
10 However , all the new occupants were faced with considerable expense in converting their areas of the building into habitable accommodation because each newly formed unit lacked even basic services provision , and by 1986 most people had spent an additional £55–60,000 on their conversion .
11 So far they have got away with their high-pressure selling techniques and the only people who have lost out have been the customers who were faced with massive charges they had neither understood nor anticipated .
12 But now they were faced with another predicament , how to remove the insects from her body ?
13 The four business managers , living at different times , were faced with different problems and opportunities .
14 In developing its plans for the redeployment of the Army , the General Staff were faced with three major difficulties : lack of genuine air mobility ; loss of overflying rights over Arab countries and restricted overflying of the Indian subcontinent due to India 's ‘ non-aligned ’ stance and Pakistan 's natural sympathy for Moslem Arab Nationalism ; and the justifiable reluctance in Whitehall to build up new overseas bases .
15 Those who have urged wider activity by select committees were faced with some uncertainty about how MPs would react to this development .
16 Elean:It seemed to me , reading your Soweto Stories , that you were faced with some difficulties as to how to portray the customs and traditions of your people .
17 The villagers who were faced with this fearsome figure while the verses were being repeated looked upon it , not with revulsion as might be expected , but with affection — even awe .
18 If parents were faced with this list which one would you advise them to choose as a priority ?
19 In conducting their pioneering survey , Abel-Smith , Zander and Brooke were faced with this problem .
20 And here they were faced with this strange opera , the plot of which they found unattractive , the music very difficult and , indeed , unrecognizable in any way at all as operatic music as they understood it .
21 So we were faced with this very competitive market situation and as I say prices and we are really being squeezed on the price front and it was very difficult to get any form of increase in the er in the fees that we were being charged , that we were charging .
22 My staff were faced with untidy heaps of apparatus apparatus in equipment rooms , and received little or no help from the student representatives So and then it sort of flabbers on a bit saying they 're
23 However , this not only removed local accountability ( the original motive for introducing the new system ) but it also did not affect many areas of the country which were faced with high community charges .
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