Example sentences of "were invited [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Back at the village we were invited to join the chief and some of the older men for a drink of maize beer .
2 Some of these companies visited Liverpool in 1981 at Heseltine 's request , and as a result some private-sector managers were invited to join the Task Force .
3 This seemed to be further corroborated when we were invited to join the second phase of a research project being undertaken by the National Foundation for Educational Research and the Further Education Unit .
4 We contacted patients for a preliminary interview to assess their history , and if they met the study criteria they were invited to join the study .
5 Eight people who are themselves disabled were invited to join the group , to match the number of professionals already involved , and to have a direct influence on the work which was being developed .
6 Pupils were invited to join the poll , casting as many votes as they wished simply by writing down a teacher 's name again and again .
7 With this sort of evidence in mind , we were invited to answer the question , ‘ Why is it when women have had the vote for 50 years , so few women are to be found in politically powerful positions ? ’
8 The original list of damage compiled by the Egyptian Antiquities Organisation has now been verified by the The Conservation Practice in West Sussex , England , and Gifford Consulting Engineers , who were invited to inspect the damage by UNESCO in preparation for a coordinated relief effort .
9 When the French Captain Landolphe delivered a consignment of coral necklaces and rosaries in 1778 , he and his companions were invited to inspect the royal regalia carried in procession by the Oba and his chiefs to a shrine in one of the palace courtyards .
10 We were invited to drive the cars in west Germany where the smooth road surface always flatters cars ' suspensions , but even when we nipped into what used to be east Germany and drove on roads that did not seem to have been maintained since the war , the G40 's bump suppression was admirable .
11 You were invited to drive the nail through the timber to the other side with one blow from a hammer .
12 A prospectus was drawn up and students with suitable qualifications were invited to attend the first course in 1977 .
13 Leading journalists covering the particular sport were invited to attend the lunch and to give their views on how the sponsorship could best benefit the sport and on how they would like to be kept in the picture .
14 In particular , we were invited to attend the high-level seminar at Green College Oxford , run by the DoE on the subject .
15 For the first time China and Russia were invited to attend the meeting .
16 We were invited to attend the director 's visit to the school where the appraisal was to be outlined .
17 Two patients were invited to attend the coeliac clinic when perusal of their hospital notes showed that dermatitis herpetiformis had earlier been diagnosed in the skin clinic .
18 Those in whom gastroscopy was appropriate were invited to attend the endoscopy unit at a later date ( within 1 month ) .
19 Three thousand members of the British Shops and Stores Association ( which , since last Autumn has incorporated NARF ) , were invited to nominate the flooring manufacturer who has given them the best service .
20 They were invited to spend the afternoon with their grandchildren in the classrooms and playground at Barnston County Primary School .
21 Lebanon and Israelis were invited to examine the problem of the control of the strategic town of Jezzine .
22 The local community also took part : people on the Joblink register were invited to use the expertise on hand in their own search for employment .
23 On condition that we both covered our heads , Olivia and I were invited to watch the proceedings from the rear of the crowd .
24 And tonight , for the first time , the public were invited to watch the feed , and listen to a commentary .
25 And tonight , for the first time , the public were invited to watch the feed , and listen to a commentary .
26 All the representatives in Paris of foreign states were invited to witness the Spanish apology and were asked to inform their courts of it , while a medal was specially struck to commemorate the French triumph .
27 Sponsors and guests were invited to estimate the exact time of the flight of the Haggis from the Sandford Hotel , Fife to The Savoy .
28 While waiting for Mr Knightley to arrive , the rest of us were invited to tour the grounds , and so it was that I and about ten others led off to the banks of the River Avon by a ruthlessly hearty philanthropist extraordinaire , Lady Patricia Rutherford .
29 The nation 's press were invited to tour the facility earlier this month and reporters , cameramen and TV crews went into the heart of the plant .
30 teachers in ‘ feeder ’ middle schools were invited to read the study and two schools subsequently redesigned their humanities course to provide continuity with the curriculum at Sir Frank Markham ;
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