Example sentences of "were obtained from the " in BNC.

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1 In almost all cases names and addresses were obtained from the ATB training advisers in the various parts of the country .
2 Many of the floral designs for this china , whether taken from prints or fresh exotic blooms , were obtained from the nearby Physic Garden and Philip Miller must have been in touch with the factory .
3 It is hoped that this stems from the fact that the zonal code given per letter by the recogniser is not as accurate as some overall shape information would be , if it were obtained from the x , y coordinates of the script .
4 Twelve bedsteads were urgently required and were ordered from Messrs. Kilpin and Leach ; the mattresses and ticking for them were obtained from the House of Industry .
5 For the analyses of childhood cancers including leukaemias — that is , those diagnosed in children aged 0–14 years — data were obtained from the National Registry of Childhood Tumours at the Childhood Cancer Research Group .
6 For 1969–83 registrations at age 15–24 were obtained from the Northern Region Cancer Registry and ( for 1969–73 in what is now South Cumbria ) the North Western Regional Cancer Registry ; in general , no further effort was made to ascertain cases .
7 The data were obtained from the Canadian Hemophilia Registry .
8 Estimates of the number of adults with cystic fibrosis in different age groups alive at the middle of 1990 were obtained from the United Kingdom Cystic Fibrosis Survey ( J Dodge , personal communication ) .
9 Age , sex , and regional health authority of residence were obtained from the ACFA mailing database for all non-responders after the final mailing for comparison with responders .
10 They were obtained from the age-sex register of a large general practice in London , and those who responded ( 77% ) were similar to the national average in height , weight , and smoking habits .
11 In 260 pregnancies ( 3.7% of the total ) the two hour glucose value on testing was >6.9 mmol/l , and clinical details of the mother and baby were obtained from the case notes in these cases .
12 In addition , listings of children with leukaemia or non-Hodgkin 's lymphoma were obtained from the childhood cancer research group 's national registry of childhood tumours .
13 Birth certificates of cases and controls were obtained from the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys .
14 Oligonucleotides were obtained from the Pasteur Institute ( Paris , France ) , restriction enzymes were from Promega or New England Biolabs and all chemicals were of the highest grade available .
15 Before the procedure demographic details were obtained from the patient of age and sex , relevant cardiopulmonary history , shortness of breath according to the New York Heart Association criteria , current treatment , and history of smoking .
16 Normal colonic tissue and tissues from inflammatory bowel disease and colorectal tumours were obtained from the department of surgery at our university .
17 Surgical resection specimens were obtained from the Department of Surgery at the Steglitz Medical Center immediately after their removal .
18 Biopsies were obtained from the gastric body , antrum , and duodenum for the following procedures : routine histology , H pylori culture ( antral only ) , urease test ( antral only ) , and peptic activity determination .
19 Control E coli strains for adhesion and hydrophobicity assays were obtained from the Division of Enteric Pathogens , Central Public Health Laboratory , London .
20 Hospital discharge data were obtained from the Finnish National Agency for Welfare and Health , the causes of deaths from the Finnish State Statistics , and annual alcohol consumption from the Finnish State Alcohol Company .
21 Annual discharges with the diagnosis of pancreatitis ( ICD Code 577 ) during 1970–89 were obtained from the statistics of the Finnish National Agency for Welfare and Health .
22 Fifteen fetal and five infant stomachs were obtained from the University Department of Pathology and Obstetrics and Gynaecology , St James 's University Hospital , Leeds .
23 Using this information notes were obtained from the records departments .
24 The χ 2 — and Sχ 2 — for a given age and sex were obtained from the data of the National Center for Health Statistics .
25 Visual analogue scores ( VAS ) for shortness of breath , well-being , and quality of sleep were obtained from the patients ; and for nursing care requirements from a senior nurse , daily until day 3 , and then on day 7 .
26 The subclones R342A4-B14 , R342A4-B15 and R342A4-C3 were obtained from the human chromosome 10-only hybrid R342A4 ( 23 ) following spontaneous deletion or BUdR-induced mutagenesis ( 24 ) .
27 HeLa and C1300 cells ( 13 ) were obtained from the American Type Culture Collection and were grown in α-MEM supplemented with 10% foetal calf serum .
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