Example sentences of "were treat [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Wolverhampton Health Authority has written to the patients who were treated on ward D19 at New Cross Hospital , Wednesfield , during the last six months .
2 The ‘ spontaneous ’ strivings of the working class were treated with distrust bordering on disdain .
3 Local recurrence and bone metastases in February 1990 were treated with tamoxifen 20 mg daily .
4 Sections from five patients that were found to show inappropriate expression of blood group antigens in liver and colon were treated with neuraminidase using established protocols in an attempt to see whether digestion of sialic acid residues would abolish staining .
5 Indeed , in the first series of patients only 72% were bleeding from varices , haemostatic treatment was not uniform and only a minority were treated with sclerotherapy .
6 In that series , however , 18 f 22 patients were treated with endoscopy without performing Doppler ultrasound investigation .
7 This change was abolished in all 10 subjects who were treated with ranitidine 300 mg for three doses ( mean change after ranitidine -0.05 mmol H + /mmol creatinine , 95% CI 0.33 , -0.34 mmol H + /mmol creatinine ) .
8 After the above secretory studies , 10 duodenal ulcer patients were treated with tripotassium dicitratobismuthate 120 mg three times daily , metronidazole 400 mg three times daily , and amoxycillin 500 mg three times daily for three weeks .
9 All patients were treated with omeprazole 40 mg/day for a median duration of 12 weeks ( range 8–23 ) , at which time endoscopy showed complete healing of oesophagitis , defined as 100% re-epithelialisation of the oesophageal mucosa .
10 Several groups , each consisting of eight to 10 rats with gastric ulcers , were used in two series , A and B. In series A , group I rats were treated with vehicle ( saline , 1 ml given by intragastric route three times daily ) only ( control ) ; group II rats were given intragastric bFGF ( 3 , 30 , or 300 µg/kg/day in three equal doses , each dose dissolved in 1 ml of saline ) , group III rats were given bFGF by intraperitoneal injection ( 3 , 30 , or 300 µg/kg/day in three equal doses ) , group IV rats were treated with intragastric sucralfate ( added to drinking water ; 400 mg/kg/day ) ; group V rats were treated with a combination of intragastric bFGF ( 30 µg/kg/day in three equal doses ) plus sucralfate ; group VI rats were treated with intraperitoneal bFGF ( 30 µ/kg/day; in three equal doses ) ; and for comparison group VII rats were treated with omeprazole ( 60 mg/kg/day into the peritoneum in two equal doses each dissolved in 1 ml of saline ) .
11 A total of 83 patients presenting with H pylori positive active gastric ulcer disease were treated with omeprazole and antibiotics ( amoxicillin , ciprofloxacin , roxithromycin ) in seven different clinical protocols , each of which included the attempt to eradicate H pylori infection and to evaluate the post-therapeutic course of ulcer disease .
12 Several groups , each consisting of eight to 10 rats with gastric ulcers , were used in two series , A and B. In series A , group I rats were treated with vehicle ( saline , 1 ml given by intragastric route three times daily ) only ( control ) ; group II rats were given intragastric bFGF ( 3 , 30 , or 300 µg/kg/day in three equal doses , each dose dissolved in 1 ml of saline ) , group III rats were given bFGF by intraperitoneal injection ( 3 , 30 , or 300 µg/kg/day in three equal doses ) , group IV rats were treated with intragastric sucralfate ( added to drinking water ; 400 mg/kg/day ) ; group V rats were treated with a combination of intragastric bFGF ( 30 µg/kg/day in three equal doses ) plus sucralfate ; group VI rats were treated with intraperitoneal bFGF ( 30 µ/kg/day; in three equal doses ) ; and for comparison group VII rats were treated with omeprazole ( 60 mg/kg/day into the peritoneum in two equal doses each dissolved in 1 ml of saline ) .
13 As a result of this misunderstanding , for three hundred years sufferers from gonorrhoea were treated with mercury with all the risks that that entailed .
14 Murine epidermal cells ( EC ) were treated with trypsin in EDTA ( TE ) or trypsin in calcium ( TC ) , stained for E- or P-cadherins and I-A antigens , and analysed by two-colour flow cytometry. a , c , e , Cadherin-specific ( phycoerythrin ) fluorescence on I-A - ( FITC - ) KC ; b , d , f , phycoerythrin fluorescence on I-A + LC. a , b , EC stained after a single exposure to trypsin in calcium during epidermal separation .
15 There were 3 females and 6 males ; 5 had nodular sclerosis on histology and 4 mixed cellularity ; 7 presented with stage I-IIA and 2 with IIIB , and all were treated with irradiation which included the para-aortic region to a total dose of 40 Gy .
16 The opportunity was taken to devise comparative trials , in which some patients were treated with streptomycin and others served as controls .
17 Crude nuclear extracts ( lanes 2 and 3 ) were treated with CIP as described in materials and methods , resolved by SDS/PAGE and probed using the Far Western assay .
18 There have always been some old people who were influential and highly regarded , in contrast to the many others who were treated with ridicule , antagonism , or at best patronized as dependents .
19 My first question to the Minister , who is apprised of the case , is whether he is satisfied that Mrs. X and her husband were treated with compassion .
20 Under the Sunni Muslim Ottoman Empire in Syria , they were treated with contempt , abandoned to the poverty of the hill villages in southern Lebanon where they had originally come from Mount Lebanon .
21 As imperial portraits attracted faith , so images of emperors who had betrayed their subjects ' trust were treated with contempt .
22 The Council of Castile , in spite of its repeated claims to be the only legally constituted authority , was discredited by its supposed subservience to Murat ; its orders were treated with contempt by the Provincial Juntas .
23 Sixty seven patients ( 22% ) were treated with diet alone , and they had significantly lower mean random haemoglobin A 1 values compared with the 155 ( 50% ) receiving oral hypoglycaemic therapy and the 86 ( 28% ) taking insulin .
24 German-Americans were treated with suspicion : the famous German conductor of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra , Bruno Walter , was suspended .
25 Four of the six evaluable stage I patients were treated with cyclophosphamide .
26 The net outcome of his days in office were that about two hundred of the cases which were brought to his attention were treated with regard for human dignity , but the law affecting the rights of dependants and visitors was not changed ( except for one fairly minor aspect : in 1974 the sexually discriminatory ‘ Husbands Rule ’ was changed to allow women born or settled in Britain to have their foreign husbands here with them ) .
27 After this , the specimens were treated with diaminobencidine tetrahydrochloride-hydrogen peroxide mixture and haematoxylin staining was subsequently undertaken .
28 The supernatants were centrifuged for five minutes at 500 rpm and the epithelial cells contained in the pellets were treated with dispase ( Boehringer Mannheim Corp , Indianapolis , Indiana ) at a concentration of 3 mg/ml RPMI 1640 ( Whittaker Bioproducts , Walkersville , Maryland ) .
29 Eighty five of the children were treated with prednisone during the first year ( 1 mg/kg/day for six weeks then tapering to discontinue over one to two months ) .
30 He saw that these tasty species were treated with respect by predators as if they too were distasteful to eat .
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