Example sentences of "were draw up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Schemes of the same kind were drawn up for the forests of Chute , Pickering and Knaresborough , and in the soke of Somersham within the forest of Huntingdon , which the Attorney-General reported ‘ had not been in use for a long time past .
2 In the Forest of Dean a special swanimote was held on 10 June 1634 : 800 presentments of offences against vert and venison , some referring to events forty years old , were drawn up for submission at the Forest Eyre in the following month .
3 The boundaries were drawn up for the Directive on a Commune by Commune basis with the vast majority of Communes being entirely allocated to one or other LFA zone .
4 Follow-up questions , particularly into critical areas , were drawn up for intensive two-day visits .
5 With competition becoming intense the first set of Motor Racing rules were drawn up for the Paris-Amsterdam-Paris race of 1898 .
6 At first potential jurors were classified by ethnic group and caste , but after the 1840s they were assigned to one of three lists which were drawn up on the basis of language capability .
7 A few fishing boats sat in the lagoon , some outrigger canoes were drawn up on the sand and one small pleasure yacht , which must have come from another island , was anchored to a buoy .
8 Within half an hour of leaving Rockford , the convoy had reached its destination and were drawn up on the verge alongside the perimeter fence , just short of the big front gates of Bethlehem House .
9 Plans to prevent acid house parties in the South-east were drawn up at a meeting of senior police officers and council leaders .
10 When we reached the hospital , four cars and a Land Rover were drawn up at the bungalow .
11 He looked straight at her , and she could tell from the way his lower eyelids were drawn up at the inner corners and his nostrils distended that he was trying not to cry .
12 Indeed , similarities in their formulae suggest that both were drawn up at Fécamp in 1033 .
13 Pylon inquiry : inspectors explain how the hearing will be conducted Guidelines on how the pylons public inquiry would be run in North Yorkshire were drawn up at a meeting in Northallerton this week .
14 Their skirts were drawn up to the crotch , the heels high , the legs bare , the skin chafed by the cold .
15 But behind her she could hear , all over the bay , the scraps of men 's voices shouting , and the rumble of rollers as the ships were drawn up to safety , and the lowing and bleating of animals being driven uphill .
16 All five hundred coolies from Number Three Village were drawn up outside their barracks in long ranks ; silent and apprehensive , they were wondering why they had been roused half an hour earlier and why the burly , intimidating figure of the plantation director , Duclos , was waiting to address the massed roll call beneath the single lightpole in the barrack compound .
17 A report in the Sunday Times last week , confirming the Sunday Life story of July 11 , revealed the plans were drawn up as a result of an intelligence source in the IRA who said the organisation had developed a ‘ peace party ’ led by Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness .
18 The new measures , similar to those in force in Britain and the US , were drawn up over the summer by Mr Lang 's Ministry , which is said to be interested in extending the French insurance model to the whole of Europe .
19 Its original boundaries were drawn up without the benefit of any systematic survey ; no LFA land was de-designated when the UK LFA was substantially extended early in 1984 to include the so-called marginal land .
20 Flush from her victory over Austria , Prussia could easily have imposed the terms for the North German Federation on her partners , and indeed proposals were drawn up in 1866 for a union ‘ based on Prussian characteristics ’ .
21 The whole horse militia of Westmorland and northern Lancashire , and all the militia of Cumberland , were drawn up in front of the little Lake District town , under the chief local landowner , Lord Lonsdale , and with 10,000 men they easily outnumbered the rebels , but a mere sight of Forster 's advance guard was enough and the whole body fled in terror , leaving the field littered with horses and arms .
22 We drove on to the top of the road and drew up outside a compound surrounded by a wire fence ; inside was a large white building surrounded by an expanse of gravel on which a huge group of people were drawn up in lines .
23 They did not express community , clustered around the green and church , in the adventitious manner of the true village ; they were drawn up in parallel lines to each side of the road .
24 These factors were : ( 1 ) its organisation which acquired the films and the exclusive overseas rights therein was in Hong Kong ; ( 2 ) its sales organisation was in Hong Kong ; ( 3 ) the representatives who were sent abroad were part of the Hong Kong sales organisation ; ( 4 ) the sub-licences were drawn up in Hong Kong , according to Hong Kong law , and were dispatched from Hong Kong ; ( 5 ) the films were either delivered in or dispatched from Hong Kong ; ( 6 ) the films at the expiry of the sub-licence period had to be returned to Hong Kong or were destroyed ; and ( 7 ) payments for the grant of the sub-licences were received in Hong Kong .
25 The cavalry were drawn up in three companies , on the wings and in the centre .
26 The hospital had a commitment to shared care with the patient and patient 's relatives and care plans were drawn up in full consultation with both .
27 It can be assumed that the proposals were drawn up by David Garrick .
28 The first volume of her poems was published by subscription ( the proposals for which were drawn up by Mr. Garrick ) under the patronage of several persons of rank and taste , in 1748 ; as was also the second volume , of which the late Mr. Hawkins Browne was the editor in 175 … , both of them after her death , which happened prematurely by the meazles , at the age of 24 .
29 These new procedures were drawn up by the company itself , according to the council 's senior counsel .
30 Such lists as were drawn up by James are now thought to contain deliberate inaccuracies in details , such as the number of pages in certain books , thus enabling James to remove and offer pages from illuminated Qur'ans on the international market .
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