Example sentences of "were [verb] the right " in BNC.

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1 They were given the right to visit , but they do n't have to produce passports .
2 In a further attempt to restrict the role of local authorities in housing , council house tenants were given the right to switch to an alternative landlord — either in the form of a housing association or an approved private sector landlord — in other words , they were allowed to opt out of local authority control .
3 If , in accordance with the view I have just expressed , such a person or firm were given the right to apply immediately the notice was served for it to be rescinded , this remedy might well be of no effect if a press notice was issued at the time of service of the intervention notice , as was done in this case .
4 The funding councils were given the right to advise the Secretary of State .
5 Sentences for assisting " separatist terrorists " were to be doubled , while local officials were given the right to ban strikes and shop-closing protests .
6 Nevertheless , religious organizations were given the right to set up their own schools .
7 I remind that we put in a housing investment bid for a hundred and twelve million pounds and were given the right to buy thirteen million .
8 Simon Bond of NYNEX explained : ‘ When we won the cable television franchise , we were given the right to provide a telephone service , which we have decided to take up .
9 In spite of its violent assaults on the female image , Surrealism 's emphatic anti-academicism and dedication to an art of the interior struck a sympathetic chord in a repressive era when women were demanding the right to work and vote .
10 The next major episode of industrial conflict took place at the Grunwick film-processing factory in London , where workers — a high proportion of them Asian women — were demanding the right to unionise .
11 In 1534 they were granted the right to coin money .
12 Three stone lighter and a virtual insomniac , she has campaigned tirelessly for their release and her efforts were rewarded last week when Michelle and Lisa were granted the right to appeal against their conviction for the murder of Alison O'Shaughnessy .
13 The earliest record of iron extraction is found in a charter of AD 689 in which the monks of Canterbury were granted the right to mine ore at Lympne ( O'Niell 1967 , p. 189 ) .
14 The peasants were authorized to parcel out the private estates while legal ownership of all land was vested in the State ; factory committees were given broad powers to vet the actions of management ; the minorities were granted the right of self-determination ; each regiment was authorized to negotiate armistice terms .
15 They were granted the right to build telegraph lines across the country so that London could be closer touch with India .
16 A year later Thurland , and others , including Höchstetter , English merchants , and members of the nobility , were granted the right to open and work mines , and events now moved with swiftness .
17 In an agreement signed with Amazonian gold prospectors on Jan. 9 , 1990 , under the auspices of the National Security Council , miners were granted the right to continue prospecting in three areas totalling about 686 sq km , and at the same time the reduction of the size of the Yanomami Indian reservation to 19 separate " islands " of forest was confirmed .
18 Commodores , Ladies and Gentlemen before we commence the business of the Annual General Meeting I 'd like to remind members of the very great honour that was bestowed upon the Association at the end of last year when we were granted the right to wear the red ensign defi defaced with the crown .
19 They were defending the right of the pamphleteer to publish ideas that were unpopular in society or inconvenient for the state .
20 In Manders v. Williams , brewers supplied porter in casks to a publican on condition that he returned the empty casks ; held , they could maintain trover against a sheriff who took the casks in execution for the publican 's debts , for directly they were emptied the right to immediate possession was in the brewers , the publican becoming a mere bailee at will .
21 Bishops and barons were to have the right to take one or two deer when passing through the royal forest .
22 All governors were to have the right to recommend patients to the infirmary in proportion to their subscriptions .
23 Most of these were accorded the right to establish elected " national local administrations " for self-government , or to join with neighbouring nationalities to do this .
24 Turkish troops conducting operations against Turkey 's own Kurds ( among whom the left-wing Kurdish Workers ' Party , PKK , were especially active ) were accorded the right to cross into Iraq in hot pursuit .
25 Unfortunately , many did not reach this country , the United States , Canada or any other safe country but ended up in the gas chambers of Auschwitz and Dachau because they were denied the right to asylum .
26 The new measures provided for ( i ) the lifting of the 150-mile exclusion zone around the Falkland Islands and its replacement on March 31 , 1990 , by mutually agreed security arrangements ( backed up by a direct radio " hotline " between the commander of the Falklands garrison and Argentina 's military high command ) giving each country advance warning of the military manoeuvres of the other , and allowing Argentinian warships and aircraft to come within 50 miles and 70 miles respectively of the Falklands without prior permission ; ( ii ) co-operation on air and sea rescue , safety procedures and air and maritime navigation ; ( iii ) an investment promotion and protection pact to encourage investment in the Falklands , and negotiations on possible Anglo-Argentinian investment promotion and protection agreements ; ( iv ) shared information on fishing in the South Atlantic , although a 150-mile conservation zone around the Falklands would be maintained , within which Argentinian vessels were denied the right to fish [ see p. 37001 ] ; ( v ) a working group on South Atlantic affairs and arrangements for further talks to improve contacts between the mainland and the Falklands ; ( vi ) visits by Argentinian relatives to Falkland war graves by arrangement with the International Red Cross ; ( vii ) co-operation on environmental protection ; and ( viii ) co-operation against drug trafficking .
27 Now I would not want to live in a country where my ex-wife and I were denied the right to another chance . ’
28 In other words , once the magazine has come into his possession , the man as it were acquires the right to treat the images on its pages in whichever way he chooses .
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