Example sentences of "n't usually [vb infin] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Breeze knew , though she did not say so , that a first novel does n't usually bring in much ‘ boodle ’ ; but she thanked Gay all the same .
2 I do n't usually go around doing this sort of thing .
3 ‘ Well , I do n't usually go around telling the world , ’ she mumbled , feeling slightly awkward , ‘ but — um — yes . ’
4 do n't usually go that long
5 You do n't usually go off with strange women like that . ’
6 In Egypt the two do n't usually go together .
7 As soon as you receive replies to requisitions , you should be in a position to prepare a report on title for any mortgagee for whom you act , as is commonly required by any but a private mortgagee ; you ca n't usually do so before , because until you have had satisfactory replies you ca n't certify that the title is good .
8 Winds can blow up unexpectedly and there may be rain but it does n't usually last long .
9 You often had to wait here while the Edinburgh trains came and went , but the delay did n't usually last this long .
10 But then she did n't usually sleep so soundly out of doors , and she put her reactions down to recent stress .
11 Men do n't usually conduct loud , enthusiastic duologues about rural delights ( not English men , anyway ) and it was even more unusual to hear someone butt in with ‘ Excuse me , I could n't help overhearing , and what you 're saying is absolute rubbish . ’
12 It can also spread to the neck , arm or jaw and does n't usually ease off for several hours .
13 Erm the window cleaner , these are quite fun cos they do n't usually have too much reading on one page .
14 It is tempting to write ‘ If I had my way , I 'd fire all the staff and start all over again ’ , but top management does n't usually look very kindly on this kind of approach .
15 Students are also another option — try placing an ad on the notice board at a local university , poly or college — and they do n't usually charge too much .
16 We do n't usually get this much hands-on attention from him , but I suspect that Cavell Fielding has something to do with his presence as he 's lending us her talents for the launch of our new look — or sound , I should say .
17 Josie said that she did n't usually get in until around six , but that there were a few extra jobs that she wanted to finish off ; Lucy had the feeling , but did n't say so , that the main point of the exercise was probably to get her out of the way before the slender red-haired woman arrived home .
18 He does n't usually get home in the daytime .
19 Cos you do n't usually get home until ten to six .
20 I do n't usually wait outside while women take their clothes off . ’
21 People do n't usually hit out unless they are upset or angry , so showing you understand their feelings goes a long way to preventing them from expressing that anger towards you .
22 ‘ I do n't usually come up this way , it 's all a bit new to me , actually . ’
23 Even blindingly obvious and crucial insights do n't usually come instantly — it took us 24 hours to realise that the part-concealed agenda behind IBM 's December closures was that the company was signalling the death of the mainframe , a couple of months to realise that the executive search committee of IBM non-executive directors had n't a clue what it should be looking for in a new chief executive for IBM — because they themselves did n't have the computer industry background they needed to recognise how vital such a background would be to the person assuming the post .
24 Like I say , she do n't usually come back till the morning .
25 Marie works in this place most nights , so she do n't usually come home till I 'm asleep .
26 ‘ It does n't usually work out like that .
27 Well he do n't usually turn up till twenty to and then we was there a little bit early as well
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