Example sentences of "n't expect [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I do n't expect things to be just good when you do them , however .
2 They do n't expect things to be done perfectly .
3 You do n't expect players to be warned for excessive aggression at this level , but they were , and the first to be admonished was an old hand at listening to finger pointing lectures .
4 You did n't expect Uncle to be in it …
5 The council does n't expect Swindon to be ready for an assault on Britain in Bloom for some time , but it 's convinced all the effort 's worth it .
6 When you actually abolish these things , you ca n't expect behaviour to be totally unchanged .
7 Do n't expect Wills to be the perfect ruler
8 Do n't expect Wills to be the perfect ruler
9 Do n't expect Wills to be the perfect ruler
10 You have to sell yourself and your ideas this year so do n't expect people to automatically recognise your merit and worth .
11 WHEN we cast our votes at election time , we do n't expect candidates to be paragons of virtue but we do expect honesty and integrity — traits completely lacking in this discredited Government .
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