Example sentences of "an answer to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They came like an answer to prayer when I was attacked . ’
2 Be it a coincidence or an answer to prayer , Ray Powell , a senior backbencher and a strong supporter of the Keep Sunday Special campaign was drawn third in the ballot .
3 An answer to prayer , my son never forget that . ’
4 It is an answer to institutes in West Germany and Japan that pose a threat to American technological supremacy in some areas of industry .
5 The original point of the survey , however , was not , or not only , to suggest how specifically and illuminatingly the term ‘ postmodernism ’ can be applied to the British context , but simply as an answer to B. S. Johnson 's fear that the baton of innovation had been dropped altogether .
6 They carried an answer to division ; as one Irishman said , ‘ You people have brought us what we need in this colour-conscious land of Orange and Green . ’
7 Seeing in black life nothing more than an answer to racism means moving on to the ideological circuit which makes us visible in two complementary roles — the problem and the victim .
8 It seems very likely that Lewis and Tolkien collaborated in their analysis of Christian essentials ; The Silmarillion , with its exile from paradise , its ages of misery , and its Intercessor , is a calque on Christian story , an answer to Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained .
9 New Scientist also revealed that Britain had an answer to Rubik 's cube .
10 ‘ Based upon the promotion of bibliographic instruction as a basic library service , the project is an answer to members ’ perceptions of a critical need for faculty and administrators to understand bibliographic instruction and its relation to the mission of higher education .
11 Monitors have an important role to play in medically-circumscribed situations , but they are , unfortunately , not likely to be an answer to cot death .
12 An Answer to Emil Brunner .
13 Where the plaintiff 's damage is the result of more than one cause , the but for test does not appear to provide an answer to causation problems .
14 He published in 1697 an answer to Spinoza 's Tractus Theologico Politicus , entitled Deism Examin 'd and Confuted .
15 Their exit is an answer to allegations of nepotism , but most Turks have dismissed the purge as window.dressing .
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