Example sentences of "she [vb past] [art] sudden " in BNC.

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1 Yet Xanthe 's tidy existence felt mussed in Miranda 's company ; she experienced a sudden , vivid awareness of prohibitions hedging her about , and with the awareness , a desire to break them .
2 Reading a dark and devilish intent in his grim expression , she made a sudden frantic attempt to twist free from his grasp ; but she was too late .
3 She made a sudden move towards me and from the doorway , Nigger started to growl softly .
4 In 1985 Dr Rosalind Maskell at St Mary 's Hospital , Portsmouth , reported a noticeable fall in TMP resistance where two years previously she logged a sudden surge in resistance .
5 If , whilst suffering from the reaction , she received a sudden shock …
6 Sometimes the slaps and punches were for real now , and my mother would cry up the stairs in alarm whenever she heard a sudden thump as I fell on the floor or bumped into the furniture .
7 She heard a sudden tap tap .
8 She swallowed a sudden sense of panic .
9 She swallowed the sudden tightness in her throat .
10 She blinked a sudden and totally illogical misting of tears from her eyes .
11 And if she took a sudden dislike to a client , or observed one member behaving badly to another , her command , ‘ Out , cunt ! ’ , sent them packing .
12 She took a sudden , deep breath , and wriggled deeper into the bed .
13 Watching him , Lindsey could have sworn she saw a sudden brightness in his eyes before he was handing the infant over .
14 She saw the sudden narrowing of his eyes and mouth .
15 She saw the sudden gleam in his eyes , male and provocative , and realised too late how easy she had made it for him .
16 She felt a sudden stab of guilt , comparing him with Jenny .
17 As she straightened up she felt a sudden pain like a knife being thrust into her lower back .
18 Her hand came down on top of a large bunch of them and she felt a sudden stinging pain .
19 She felt a sudden burst of indignation against these overstuffed bigwigs cramming themselves with food , while she sat and starved .
20 Listening to the conversation in which Midnight had no part , she felt a sudden pity for him which increased the sense of gratitude already there , and was slightly surprised when the foppish Randall asked him a direct question :
21 She felt a sudden , soothing pressure on her knees .
22 She felt a sudden desire to dye her hair blonde and keep dyeing it every day so that the roots would never show .
23 She felt a sudden burning in her body , and a smell , like fresh meat , a choking , unpleasant smell .
24 He said , ‘ Perhaps I have a salvation too , ’ and his voice was so low and his look so piercing that she felt a sudden clutch of fear , just as she had in the studio .
25 Not that it would be at all necessary , she reassured herself as she felt a sudden burst of fright .
26 She felt a sudden pang for John Tracey .
27 She felt a sudden uncomfortable twist in her stomach , and she could sense that Jake had felt the same .
28 She felt a sudden flash of doubt , remembering the things Jeff had told her , and thought again what had occurred to her over that fateful cup of coffee .
29 It was a lovely warm evening , and as she drifted across the drawing-room she felt a sudden impulse to play some music .
30 She felt a sudden surge of anger .
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