Example sentences of "which exist [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 His message was that societies had to be understood in terms of their economic structures , and in particular their social relations of production and the conflicts between the different economic classes which exist as a result of those relations .
2 A further example from the Police Foundation Oxford Conference gives some indication of the different perspectives which exist for the analytic researcher and the practical policeman :
3 In comparison with the other two passages , this one has a rather low frequency of nouns ( 4 ) ; moreover , over half of these nouns are abstract ( 20 ) , referring to entities which exist on a social or psychological plane : effort , subject , terms , money , feelings and aristocracy all occur in the first sentence .
4 The task at this stage will be to ascertain the feelings and problems which exist on an individual level , and to discuss them .
5 We will review the 80 or so statutory restrictions which exist on the disclosure of information — retaining only those needed to protect privacy and essential confidentiality .
6 The connections between pins 4 and 6 and the battery negative line keep the unused inputs which exist on the 4013 at Logic O and prevent false operation .
7 But if the term be used to designate those relations … existing between the masses and the leaders , the relations which exist between a more competent man and a less competent , by virtue of which the more competent can control the actions of the less competent for the
8 When Charles Temple asked himself what form the finally evolved connection between the conquering races and the conquered , now existing in partially evolved form as Indirect Rule , and based on ‘ the relations which exist between a more competent man and a less competent ’ , might take , he answered that he saw no reason
9 First it will examine the consultative arrangements which exist between a number of key government agencies and representative bodies .
10 it calls into question our right to maintain the peculiar forms of connection which exist between the United Kingdom on the one hand and the ‘ Islands ’ , viz .
11 A second factor of importance is the very real differences which exist between the prevalence of certain types of mental disorder , particularly schizophrenia , in different ethnic groups .
12 And also , it does n't address the problems of the anomalies which exist between the various sections .
13 The method used to translate the financial statements should reflect the financial and other operational relationships which exist between an investing company and its foreign enterprises ( refer to SSAP 20 ) .
14 I cleared out the forgotten corners which exist in every family home , sending old clothes to jumble sales , and asking boy scouts to collect useless piles of old newspapers and magazines .
15 ‘ The political stance adopted by a class at any given time will be i part a function of the structure of the political system as whole and the concrete possibilities which exist in a specific situation for the application of various kinds of class alliances ’ ( Roxborough 1979 : 82 ) .
16 ‘ Sub-cultures ’ are cultures which exist in a context dominated by the decisions , values and attitudes of others .
17 I have for myself come to the conclusion that owing to the conditions which exist in the world today , having regard to the economic environment , having regard to the situation of our country , if we go on pattering along as we are we shall have grave unemployment with us to the end of time , and I have come to the conclusion that the only way of fighting this subject is by protecting the home markets .
18 In the Tertiary period , weathering produced a deep regolith ( Fitzpatrick , 1963 ) , the remnants of which exist in the Outer Hebrides at a few sites protected from severe glacial erosion ( Glentworth , 1979 ) .
19 In fact , it is likely that all the elements which exist in the earth 's crust are present , albeit in infinitesimal amounts , in our bodies .
20 Water and carbon dioxide are the two starting materials from which green plants manufacture the sugars which are themselves further elaborated by plant and animal cells into the incredible array of carbohydrates and carbohydrate-containing molecules which exist in the natural world .
21 Thus it comes about that the patterns of object-relationships which exist in the unconscious inner world determine the kinds of immature object-relations which people sustain in their outer world .
22 In addition to those dimensions of trade union activity which have already been discussed , a further important aspect relates to the significant cross-national variations which exist in the extent of trade union membership .
23 He emphasises the actual similarities in the pattern of bargaining despite the differences which exist in the formal structures .
24 With the ‘ relatively dense network of outpatient and day patient services which exist in the country ’ , it is surprising that the radicalism of Italy has not been contagious .
25 Even in the cases where what we want are things which exist in the ordinary way , these things are not to be identified with the mentioned objects .
26 Before considering the implications of sexuality for personal and social problems it may be well to take a look at present-day outlooks upon sex in our society and to the norms and mores which exist in the community as a whole .
27 The increasing affluence of the rural population wrought by the urban middle-class exodus has tended to mask the continuing and severe pockets of poverty which exist in the countryside and has led the ‘ problem ’ of rural housing to be regarded less as a problem of social welfare and more as an issue concerning land use planning and countryside preservation .
28 Among orthodox men of learning the biblical axiom that species are fixed entities established by God at the Creation gradually became qualified by the doctrine of plenitude , the Great Chain of Being , which declared that God , as artist creator , would necessarily have created all possible creatures in all possible worlds , and that the creatures which we now know on earth are but a fraction of those which exist in the universe .
29 Two polymers which exist in the all trans state in the crystal are polyethylene and poly(tetrafluoroethylene) .
30 that workers and managers together are enabled to develop alternative , civilian production strategies for their firms , that investment in R&D ; is shifted from military to civilian purposes , and that the enormous skills and technological investment which exist in the defence industries are harnessed for environmental protection .
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