Example sentences of "which leads to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes it is awkward because with all the excitement you tend to go to the lavatory a number of times before the race , which leads to difficulty later on .
2 ‘ This collects more bacteria , which leads to odour . ’
3 The reason for this is that following the breach of condition which leads to termination , the innocent party has alternative remedies : he can either affirm or terminate the contract .
4 Not all human behaviours require external reinforcements ; children often learn to solve problems simply for the joy of ‘ doing ’ or of achievement , which leads to self-reward ( 'Did n't I do well ? ' ) .
5 Often , counsellees can use the counselling process as a social prop , and not one which leads to re-examination , change and growth .
6 In psychoanalytic theory the attachment of a boy to his mother which leads to emulation of the father also leads to rivalry .
7 Smoking increases the level of cholesterol and the other fats in the blood which leads to heart disease .
8 But the level of activity is not constant so either the permanent staff have to deal with it at the expense of other work , which leads to chaos ; or , temporaries have to be employed , which again leads to chaos .
9 Marsh and Campbell ( 1982 ) attribute the lack of progress to a number of factors , including the difficulty of studying aggression both in laboratory and naturalistic settings , and to the compartmentalization of the academic world which leads to lack of communication across disciplines .
10 I think it 's part of a vicious circle , that sometimes it 's guilt which leads to depression and then women feel guilty about being depressed and that 's why they take what is on offer to them .
11 In claiming to be ‘ self=begot ’ he is claiming isolation , a refusal to see anything outside his own existence and an unreality which leads to blindness .
12 The allocation of inmates to any one of these depends on their participation in the five-stage programme which leads to probation and release .
13 Commentators on Spanish culture through the centuries have pointed to its emphasis on dignity and the corresponding fear of shame which leads to behaviour that is continually concerned to respect others and , above all , their individuality ( Pitt-Rivers 1977 ) .
14 ‘ I have a serious point , ’ said Dyson , ‘ and that is that nowadays it 's not excellence which leads to celebrity , but celebrity which leads to excellence .
15 ‘ I have a serious point , ’ said Dyson , ‘ and that is that nowadays it 's not excellence which leads to celebrity , but celebrity which leads to excellence .
16 And it is this approach which leads to denunciation of Derrida as a nihilist ; in Frederick Crews 's words , ‘ an intellectual nihilist , though a learned and exuberant one ’ .
17 ‘ Infections such as sinusitis , tonsilitis , bronchitis , pharyngitis and mumps are another cause , and malignancy or radiotherapy can also cause a dry mouth which leads to halitosis .
18 As such , the phrase , ‘ I 'm not prejudiced but … ’ is not merely a defence of rationality in general , but is a defence against that particular son of irrationality which leads to hostility against individuals based upon the colour of their skin or the provenance of their passport .
19 The third outcome is to fail to reconcile the discrepancy between personal goals and achievement , and it is often this failure which leads to retirement becoming a problem .
20 At the same time , the people who create these contexts , the teaching practitioners , are often made to feel that their own experience as pedagogic providers is not given sufficient recognition but is , on the contrary , misprized as lacking in rigour : wisdom which leads to understanding is overridden by knowledge which leads to explanation .
21 erm To take just one point out of it , much influenced by Freud , he emphasizes the enormous importance to transcend the morality of repression and self-control which leads to cruelty and obsession , and fear in the name of virtue , and to cultivate instead a much more open-minded self-knowledge .
22 Just over half the teenagers we surveyed had received formal sex education on AIDS and the HIV virus which leads to AIDS .
23 Quite distinct from this view is the belief that HIV does not cause AIDS at all , but that the immune suppression which leads to AIDS is caused by sexual or drug lifestyle , poor diet or blood transfusions .
24 An Oxford scientist says new information about the H I V virus which leads to AIDS could mean that a vaccination wo n't be forthcoming for a long time .
25 ‘ A lot of companies are going through a process of change and old certainties are going , which leads to insecurity , a lack of certainty and worry over jobs , ’ said .
26 Given the distinction , between ideas and things , which leads to scepticism , is it not wisest , asks Berkeley , to say that our ideas are things , ‘ to trust your senses , and laying aside all anxious thought about unknown natures and substances , admit with the vulgar those for real things , which are perceived by the senses ’ ?
27 But because he accepts something from the philosophers ' view , a view which leads to scepticism , he himself runs the risk of it .
28 Some are oversensitive , which leads to annoyance and casts doubt on readings which might not be inaccurate .
29 Hormone changes slow down your circulation which leads to light-headedness .
30 At the same time , the people who create these contexts , the teaching practitioners , are often made to feel that their own experience as pedagogic providers is not given sufficient recognition but is , on the contrary , misprized as lacking in rigour : wisdom which leads to understanding is overridden by knowledge which leads to explanation .
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