Example sentences of "which can result [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Memory and retention skills can also be tested on each other , and you can be surprised by the misunderstandings which can result from not listening properly , or from being given inadequate or misleading information .
2 also considered ( p. 390c ) that in Cloverbay the Vice-Chancellor had not identified ‘ a watertight limit to the jurisdiction of the court to make an order under section 236 , ’ and that the court had a general discretion which should be exercised by balancing the needs of the administrators against the disadvantages accruing to the other party which can result from the making of the order .
3 This low level of activity indicates a lack of extensive interior melting , or a thick lithosphere , or a lack of stress in the lithosphere , or some combination of all three , all of which can result from a long history of low internal temperatures .
4 Such programmes can also provide crisis counselling for post-traumatic stress , which can result from involvement in such events as rail crashes , explosions , witnessing a fatal car accident , or being mugged .
5 There are four main types of book delivery which can result from a reader submitting a call-slip , namely ,
6 It should be noted that contraceptives which can result in an abortion , often termed ‘ abortifacients ’ and including devices such as the coil and spermicidal lubricants and jellies , remain illegal in Ireland .
7 Changing a garage door , they say , has become a simple home improvement which can result in ongoing maintenance simplicity .
8 This gives rise to mental and physical tensions which can result in illness .
9 they are driven by a mixture of physical and psychological longings and apprehensions which can result in moodiness , aloofness , irritability , hostility , insecurity and ( at times ) sheer delightfulness ;
10 Also there is a gradual loss of function of some brain cells which can result in forgetfulness and sometimes confusion .
11 They are perhaps the most obvious form of deviance , in that crime is clearly behaviour which breaks the standards of society and which can result in some punishment .
12 Diarrhoea , kidney disease and taking a diuretic drug may lead to potassium deficiency which can result in depression , weak muscles and mental confusion .
13 SSAP 22 allows this practice ( which can result in negative equity ! ) , and most UK companies affected follow it .
14 The legislation embodies numerous illogicalities and anomalies , including the double capital tax charge on gifts made within seven years before death , the taxation of some settlements as if no interest in possession exist when , in fact , they do , and the effect of the ‘ pooling ’ rules for shares etc , which can result in a chargeable gain which greatly exceeds the actual gain on a disposal of a recently acquired holding , eg on a rights issue .
15 When a tree is removed , the water which would normally have been extracted remains in the ground , which can result in swelling .
16 Here it is particularly harmful , as it is likely to trigger inflammation known as gingivitis , which can result in erosion of the gum and weakening of the teeth .
17 There is also a specific condition affecting some bitches called pseudo-pregnancy , which can result in displays of unexpected aggression .
18 Rather than overcrowding the wallspace with closely packed displays which can result in visual muddle , it is more striking to have fewer , more defined displays that are changed quite frequently to stimulate and maintain interest .
19 The charter highlights 16 areas of concern including language difficulties and is aimed at raising the awareness of racism within the system which can result in individuals losing their benefits .
20 We heard that if your body is exposed to constant rapid temperature changes , its mechanisms become stressed and this creates all sorts of problems which can result in breakdown .
21 As long as these humours are in balance , the human system is healthy ; it is imbalance which can result in disease .
22 The new Home Delivered Readers Club offers discount vouchers and a card which can result in big savings for the shopper .
23 Reasons for a reduction in productivity may include a poorly planned operation which can result in longer learning curves and a low average output the introduction of more learning curves because of frequent changes of resources and working methods changing physical conditions lower outputs because plant was initially selected for one activity and is used for another inappropriate activity longer hours being worked regularly ( this can occur , for example , when accelerating the work rate to recover delays ) the lowering of morale owing to frequent changes of plan and poor management .
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