Example sentences of "which can [be] drawn " in BNC.

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1 The unsatisfactory nature of project evaluation work and the inconclusive lessons which can be drawn from it provide little justification for the donor ‘ omniscience ’ which continues to characterize their negotiations with recipients .
2 In the Indian sub-continent the cities have colonised the villages and the rural communities have gradually been eroded until ( ideally for industrial capitalism ) nothing remains but a pool of reserve labour which can be drawn upon as and when it is needed .
3 This is not to condone ‘ stretching ’ defences , using diminished responsibility to cover mercy killing , for example , or provocation to cover excessive defence , but rather to examine whether the defences have common rationales which can be drawn together .
4 Again , the positive message which can be drawn from this part of the whole episode ends up buried by default .
5 Let us take an example to illustrate the different inferences which can be drawn from experiments and non-experiments .
6 The list is not exhaustive , but what this present section sets out to do is give a very substantial selection illustrating the range of material which can be drawn on by the researcher .
7 The conclusions which can be drawn from this examination of the use of state-funded welfare services by elderly people are that the ‘ older ’ among them obtain much more help than the ‘ younger ’ , primarily because , on average , they are much more disabled .
8 Yet the toddler playing in a scruffy backstreet is , in the process , drinking in and assimilating experiences which can be drawn upon by school .
9 The contrasts which can be drawn with foreign industry even with such a tradition-bound country as France — are often stark .
10 A bald statement that the exercise of public functions may be challenged by judicial review does not , however , tell us all there is to know about the sort of decisions which are amenable to judicial review ; and so now we must consider a number of distinctions which can be drawn between types of public functions .
11 This systematic approach has now reached the stage that Filedt Kok , Schatborn and the initiator , Laurentius , feel that the time is ripe to publish their findings and the conclusions which can be drawn from them .
12 One conclusion which can be drawn from the Stanovich and West experiments on the effects of context is that the mark of a good reader is rapid word recognition .
13 Database systems which process and store information , which can be drawn upon as a kind of organizational memory-bank .
14 Is there any conclusion which can be drawn from the results , which might link the average percentage error and the distance of the person from the wall ?
15 There is therefore no national study which also looks at students in the traditional university sector , and further comparative studies would be useful to help strengthen the conclusions which can be drawn .
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