Example sentences of "which gave [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 Before 1970 it was largely left to the Weights and Measures Departments of local authorities to enforce those statutes which gave protection to the consumer of goods and they often took the view that they had no competence to deal with complaints which did not indicate a possible breach of the criminal law .
2 There Millett J having held that the part of a non-solicitation clause which gave protection to the plaintiff was valid but that the part which sought to give protection to an associated company of the plaintiff was invalid had then to decide whether the invalid part could be severed or whether the whole clause was invalid .
3 This contained several passages which gave credence to the idea that the nature of the IRA and its aims were unchanged :
4 The growth of the catholic social movements and activity of Roman catholics in trade unions and politics was rooted in this dramatic revival , which gave rise to Catholic Action and the development of catholic social studies groups around the world .
5 I can not remember a single one where the risks which gave rise to the accident could not have been measured and prevented with effective safety training , management commitment and — above all - sufficient funds .
6 When FYT was formed in 1964 , the high-energy group which gave rise to it needed a chairman who could mediate between differing views and draw differing visions into workable policies .
7 ‘ The portfolios which gave rise to this problem were those under which , besides guaranteed income payments , there was a guarantee that a stated sum would be repaid to the investor at the future maturity date of his chosen stock . ’
8 If , however , we wish to prove the existence of ‘ the back of ’ something using quite different criteria of testimony and disallowing all those activities which gave rise to the concept in the first place , then perhaps our proof of the uncertainty of the existence of backs will be less powerful than has been imagined .
9 Collinson also acted as intermediary in obtaining seeds from America , particularly those which gave rise to an extensive plantation of evergreens in the park , a principal feature of Woburn at the time .
10 Over the Irish sea , in Dublin , that same year , fourteen British officers were murdered which gave rise to further outrages there , during the following year , by the Sinn Fein group .
11 First , the period until 1830 was the time of the early travellers ; second , from 1830 until 1930 was the period of early botanists and naturalists ; third , 1930 until 1980 was the period of the first ecological studies and also of Professor J. W. Heslop Harrison and Miss M. S. Campbell ; and finally the 1980s , the period of the Integrated Development Programme ( 1982–1987 ) , which gave rise to more intensive research .
12 Thus , the Alliance for Progress , which gave rise to many agrarian reform programmes , was set up in the early 1960s .
13 In Paris Haussmann had no such tabula rasa , so that demolition meant displacement of established communities , a circumstance which gave rise to bitter complaints , many justified , by those caught in the upheaval , as well as a great deal of sordid speculation by those who could buy run-down property cheaply and sell dear for compensation .
14 For centuries the outer edges of the world map dwindled to empty lands and seas where early cartographers filled the vast spaces with sea monsters and mythical creatures which gave rise to the figure of speech ‘ Here be Dragons ’ .
15 Most of the video nasties which gave rise to the Act have passed this test with flying colours , whilst most porn fails .
16 For most of the two centuries since that phenomenon began the conventional explanation has been that it was the new technology ( the spinning-jenny , the new weaving frames , and the steam engine ) which gave rise to the factory .
17 The receivers had already paid off the debt to the bank which gave rise to their appointment , but had not paid themselves first , as they were entitled to do under the terms of their appointment ( p 99 ) .
18 The considerable locational advantages possessed by West Ham which gave rise to its extraordinary growth were to become fetters on the ability of its industry to adapt to a transformed economic environment in the twentieth century .
19 This was an issue for epistemology ; sociology presumed that the epistemology of science which gave rise to its norms of practice had eradicated the influence of presuppositions on the form and final content of scientific knowledge .
20 We 've seen Turners opposing each other for Australia and New Zealand , Richardses for West Indies and England , Manns for England and South Africa ( they both dismissed each other during the 1948–49 series , but it was George catching Tufty which gave rise to John Arlott 's legendary comment about ‘ Mann 's inhumanity to Mann ’ ) , and yet more Smiths ( T.P.B. and F.B. ) for England and New Zealand and for England ( D.V. ) against West Indies ( O.G. ) .
21 More subtly and widely , they can be led to waste effort in imitating traits which had a point in the situations which gave rise to them , but become empty and even harmful when transplanted .
22 The final four chapters ( Ch. 11–14 ) examine the phases in the political and social re-organisation of sexuality in the twentieth century : in relationship to the weakening of the authoritarian consensus ; as part of the social restructuring attendant on the growth of the welfare state ; in terms of the transforming effects on long-term changes in the social structure , which gave rise to the short era of ‘ permissiveness ’ ; and finally the last chapter offers a brief description of the political and moral conjuncture in which the book was written .
23 Unlike Schüssler Fiorenza who seeks to move behind an androcentric text to the community which gave rise to it , Trible remains with the text itself .
24 In 1563 one Hoppringle had been set upon and murdered in his house by a joint force of Armstrongs and Elliots , which gave rise to a long Border feud .
25 Was it a creature like a sea squirt which gave rise to the more mobile lancelet-like form by producing descendants that abandoned the stationary condition and reproduced during the hitherto larval stage ?
26 In specifying a circumstance for the working of the wipers , we may include the switch 's being flipped , but if we do , we can not also include the muscle movements which gave rise to the switch 's being flipped .
27 The problems which derive from the decline in the industrial structure which gave rise to the North East as an industrial region have been recognized since the 1930s , and until the coming to power of the present government the same core strategy informed attempts to resolve them .
28 In Home Office Research and Planning Unit Paper 65 , Offending while on Bail : a survey of recent studies , by Patricia M. Morgan ( Home Office , 1992 ) , the figures which gave rise to the recent claims are subjected to careful analysis .
29 In their inception , these authorities were based on the fact that the payer and payee were not on an equal footing and it was this inequality which gave rise to the right to recovery .
30 Held ( 1 ) that the public interest in preserving confidentiality underlying the particular implied undertaking by B. added little if anything to the public interest which gave rise to the basic claim of public interest immunity attaching to the authority 's documents ; so that , if that immunity ought properly to be overridden in the light of countervailing public interest arising , that countervailing interest would also outweigh such limited value as still attached to B. 's implied undertaking ( post , pp. 926H — 927A ) .
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