Example sentences of "which relate to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In four of those cases , three of which related to complaints about the same matter , assistance has been granted by the Commissioner .
2 By re-amended notice of appeal dated 30 August 1991 the defendants sought an order to set aside or vary the judge 's order or to order a retrial and sought leave to adduce fresh evidence on the grounds , inter alia , ( 1 ) that the judge had erred in law in failing to take into account ( a ) the lack of a penal notice on the order which it was claimed that the appellants had breached ; and ( b ) the plaintiff 's delay of 18 months in applying for the committal order ; ( 2 ) that the judge 's decision was arrived at without regard to fresh evidence which the defendants had obtained since the hearing , part of which related to matters subsequent to the hearing and the remainder of which could not have been obtained with reasonable diligence ; which , if given , would probably have had an important influence on the result , which was credible and which should , therefore , be admitted ; ( 3 ) that , alternatively , the court should exercise its discretion to admit the fresh evidence as the liberty of the defendants was at risk ; and ( 4 ) that the sentence imposed was excessive .
3 At the emergency meeting Hamish Deans read out a statement saying they denied the charges , which related to payments amounting to £838 on club credit cards .
4 I generally type all his notes , reports and correspondence , but , during the summer , he took to typing such items which related to Heather himself . ’
5 There were other important inhibiting factors , one of which related to sources of government finance .
6 Barry was indicted on a further six misdemeanour charges on May 10 , five of which related to drug possession and one to conspiracy ; the mayor pleaded not guilty to the fresh charges on May 15 .
7 Barry was indicted on a further six misdemeanour charges on May 10 , five of which related to drug possession and one to conspiracy ; the trial had begun on June 4 [ see pp. 37525-26 ] .
8 Sherman and Austin were two chimpanzees who had been trained to use a computer keyboard in which the keys carried lexigrams ( geometric patterns ) which related to items ( e.g. JUICE , SWEET POTATO ) or simple activities ( e.g. GIVE , GET , CHASE ) .
9 An observation , which relates to gate valves in general — not just those on the filter above — is that they are rather too easy for small , unauthorised hands to operate .
10 Before I answer that , I must er address myself to E N V Eleven , which relates to ponds ,
11 And then you 'll find , over the page there 's the appropriate page of the C C Q which relates to life insurance so you can use that as your prompt to gather your sole facts , what his feelings towards life insurance is , the protection he should have , what he may have already , yeah ?
12 The part of the study which relates to innovations in obstetrics is being undertaken by Drs Frances Price and Martin Richards of the Child Care and Development Group at Cambridge .
13 One ground of challenge was that the Home Secretary had exceeded his powers by acting in breach of article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights which relates to freedom of expression .
14 The ruling as to the objective test is not affected by s.8 of the Criminal Justice Act 1967 , which relates to proof : Newbury .
15 Classification is also useful when you are working with a text which has not been extensively discussed , but which relates to classifications which have been discussed .
16 Adverse events were noted a at each installation of B G C and at the time of the first cystoscopy and were scored for severity and the highest score was then re recorded and appears on this erm histogram which relates to frequency as a symptom .
17 is within the provisions of the Construction and Use Regulations ( which relates to vehicles subject to certain tax exceptions by virtue of their impending export ) ;
18 is within the provisions of the Construction and Use Regulations ( which relates to vehicles subject to certain exemptions relating to tests of satisfactory conditions ) ;
19 A final possible reason — which relates to police practice — is that individual police officers may feel under pressure to make arrests in order to appear efficient and to get on .
20 All member states shall by 31 December 1992 ratify or accede to and comply with the Berne Convention ( Paris Revision ) and also the Rome Convention ( which relates to phonograms and broadcasts )
21 A less extreme , but certainly related , view of natural language sentences can also be found elsewhere in the literature which relates to discourse analysis .
22 The uprating of the section of BS 402 which relates to fittings will begin shortly .
23 It is understood the airline could face fines and costs totalling more than £300,000 in connection with the case which relates to events over a six-year period from 1981 .
24 Interest payable in 1992 and 1991 in respect of bank loans and overdrafts relates to amounts which are wholly repayable within five years , with the exception of £29 million [ 1991 £14 million ] which relates to borrowings of £303 million at 31 December 1992 [ 1991 £137 million ] repayable after five years .
25 If the claim is one which relates to employment matters it will normally be within the jurisdiction of the industrial tribunal .
26 Another grouping can be between organic and inorganic soils which relates to alkali soluble and acid soluble soils .
27 In addition , two important effects have been described which relate to memory for the arousing events themselves .
28 A feature of these forms has been the increase in those aspects which relate to procedure rather than to strict contract conditions .
29 The parties might agree that , as against the vendor , Newco will take the benefit and burden of any deductions and payments under the capital goods regime which relate to intervals ending on the date of transfer of the capital items under the business sale agreement .
30 Investment companies need only charge in the profit and loss account those finance costs which relate to revenue : those which relate to capital will be charged in the statement of total recognised gains and losses .
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