Example sentences of "which act as a " in BNC.

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1 They only cover up the ‘ caveman ’ body smells which act as a natural stimulant , says chemist Dr David Kelly .
2 Foltene is a deep conditioning programme containing natural biological substances normally present in the body which act as a natural scalp stimulant to revitalise blood flow to the hair follicles .
3 The lungs , larynx , throat and mouth , which act as a resonating chamber , are no longer aligned .
4 The role of marriage which acts as a conservative force , is economic and childbearing , and the knowledge of this role hangs like a dark shadow over any possible relationships .
5 A huge ‘ inverted funnel ’ of painted , coarsely plastered brickwork lies on top of an oak beam which acts as a fascia spanning a very broad fireplace , also lined with white-painted brickwork ( Plate 12 ) .
6 A long-stroke engine has a long con-rod , which acts as a longer lever on the crank .
7 Both of these novels contain in their opening pages a narrative sequence which acts as a kind of generating cell for the rest of the text — the process of textual production foregrounded in Leçon de choses .
8 Chicken eggs are large because of the yolk which acts as a source of nutrients for the growth of the developing embryo .
9 It is the inadequacy of these other resources which acts as a crucial obstacle to economic development in many LDCs .
10 This substance , which acts as a neurotransmitter in the brain to regulate mood , also influences the activity of norepinephrine , the other neurotransmitter known to be involved in manic-depressive illness .
11 The Ferry Boat Inn , positioned next to a spur which acts as a marina , is a popular venue and has a cruising restaurant moored alongside .
12 The controls for the Legend comprise a volume control/pull pot , which coil taps the bridge humbucker , and a separate rotary which acts as a mid-range boost/cut .
13 The ear consists of three parts : ( 1 ) the outer ear , which you can see , ( 2 ) the middle ear which acts as a conductor of sound to ( 3 ) the inner ear from which the message is conveyed to the brain .
14 The liquids obtained by both these methods of preparation are then diluted with an equal volume of brandy , which acts as a preservative .
15 The esoteric tradition relates that all physical , moral and psychic energy patterns emitted throughout time are imprinted in this sub-strate or background of primordial ‘ pre-matter ’ , which acts as a reservoir of information and is referred to as ‘ the first stadium in the evolution of matter ’ .
16 As trustees we have a responsibility to respect the natural world , which acts as a constraint on even our need to pollute it to keep costs down .
17 However , against Chelsea today at Goodison Park , Southall will simply wear black , and look an even more formidable sight for the likes of Mick Harford and Robert Fleck in a game which acts as a preview for their Coca Cola Cup clash .
18 When cutting , the saw is partially rested on its metal shoe , which acts as a pivot point .
19 ICL Plc aims to bridge the gap between personal computers and dumb terminals with its new network terminal , ErgoClient , for client-server computing , which acts as a half-way house and is claimed to be the only product capable of filling a gap in the market by combining the price-performance of a terminal with the flexibility of a personal computer .
20 If this enhancement is then linked with a resource which acts as a facilitator and so allows the child to record his or her thoughts in a form which reflects the hard work , the child 's self-image , self-esteem and self-confidence can be further enhanced .
21 Cologne University , which acts as a supercomputing centre for industries in its area , is to concentrate also on business economics , global economic models , currency exchange trends and fluid mechanics .
22 The long sentences in Swift 's ironic essay in support of cannibalism are explicable as a stylistic expression of the persona he adopts in order to intensify the impact of his outrageous proposal : in Corbett 's words , we seem to be " listening to a man who is so filled with his subject , so careful about qualifying his statements and computations , so infatuated with the sound of his own words , that he rambles on at inordinate length " The greater the range and size of the corpus which acts as a relative norm , the more valid the statement of relative frequency .
23 A development of this has an inverted cone as a centre section , the water flowing down with heavy solids dropping to the bottom and then upwards at a controlled speed , so that falling lighter solids are balanced in the flow to form a " sludge blanket " , which acts as a buoyant filter catching very fine particles .
24 Nor do I feel compelled to depart from that conclusion by the fact that , under the present practice , a local authority which acts as a relator in a relator action is required to give an undertaking in damages even though it is so proceeding in order to enforce the law in the public interest .
25 The scallop has a tiny biological mirror at the back of each eye which acts as a concave reflector , focusing an image onto a retina containing 5000 light detectors .
26 They may also smear a market scent on a flower which acts as a beacon to other bees .
27 Male cotton leafworm moths fare better , because the first to arrive at the female releases a scent which acts as a jamming signal on its competitors .
28 According to these accounts , the structure of power in capitalism is based upon a state which acts as a mere instrument to serve the interests of those ( the ruling class ) who own the means of production .
29 When perspiration mixes with oils on the surface of the skin , it forms an emulsion which acts as a natural moisturiser and protective barrier .
30 Episodes occur when winds are very light or calm and when upward dispersal of pollution is inhibited by a strong thermal inversion which acts as a lid to vertical movement of pollutants .
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