Example sentences of "we [verb] [been] playing " in BNC.

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1 We 'd been playing safe for our own survival , and scores of heterosexuals went unchallenged in their continued acts of heterosexism .
2 ‘ It 's simply that while we 've been playing well in possession , we have n't been doing the job when the opposition have had the ball .
3 ‘ A lot of people have told us we 've been playing better than last season but we have n't produced winning football .
4 We 've been playing the records he bought .
5 We 've been playing well but ca n't seem to find the net , ’ he said .
6 We 've been playing for our survival for a year and a half now so we are used to it , ’ he said .
7 That 's because we 've been playing .
8 We 've been playing Michael Crawford 's music on the tape , well we started because she was erm tt trying to get the tune for Love Changes Everything so this morning we decided
9 I mean , obviously we 've been playing this game for hours .
10 Because with Mark and that the amount of practical jokes we we 've been playing anyway I can see fucking saw , our legs being sawn off chairs and stuff .
11 Well I think in common with most local authorities we 've been playing a sort of cat and mouse game with Central Government over the last ten years , where we have attempted to continue to deliver the services that we believe we 've been elected to deliver , and Central Government has been trying to close off what it would see as loopholes and gain control of us and stop us doing what it does n't want us to do , but of course it 's a rather unequal struggle and the cat and mouse analogy is quite a good one in that Central Government has all the power and is able to erm take control of us to the extent now that the budget that both the City and the County Council have set for the coming year has effectively been set by Central Government .
12 We had been playing a lot of country and blues songs before we started to play a couple of Hendrix numbers in the set and it just caught on so we added more , ’ said Slim .
13 We have been playing since February .
14 Seems we have been playing o.k though ! and have been unlucky ( same old story )
15 Although we have been playing teams which have been going through crap periods , I think this has worked against us as all the opposition players and fans etc have been desperate for some sort of result .
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