Example sentences of "she heard [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She heard a whispered , " I 'm further along !
2 The babe was fretful with teething , but as she came along the corridor she heard a gentle humming above the baby 's wails .
3 Then she heard a mysterious gurgling noise .
4 She was nodding politely on the fringes of a group listening to their host talking about himself when she heard a familiar voice behind her .
5 Just then she heard a familiar voice .
6 She mentally steeled herself for the long evening ahead , but , as it turned out , it was n't nearly as long as she had anticipated because towards the end of the evening she heard a sharp knocking on the door , and opened it to find André standing outside , a huge bunch of flowers in his arms .
7 She heard a sharp intake of breath , then an ear-splitting crack as Penry Vaughan slammed down his receiver without another word .
8 She heard a shrill , penetrating whistle of a bird and trying to follow George 's pointing finger , she caught a glimpse of brilliant blue-green plumage , with an orangey breast , as the bird flashed down into a deeper pool scooped out by the stream .
9 She heard a muttered oath and then the curtain was swept roughly aside .
10 She heard a muttered curse , she saw a shadow across the french window at the end of the room , she felt someone catch her round the waist and drag her to the ground .
11 So they risked all , and late one night when she heard a low whistle she rose from her straw pallet in the lower scullery and crept out of the house ; and when Tristram had climbed over the wall , she gave herself to him there on the midnight grass with the summer moon blazing down through the trees and the scent of honey wafting up from the silent hives .
12 She was about to turn around , when she heard a low moan .
13 The silence held for a while and then she heard a low laugh that seemed to trace itself right down her spine too .
14 Deborah turned away from the signpost and began wading back through the deep undergrowth to the main path , intending to break into a run when she reached it ; but just as she turned off she heard a faint , distant , reedy cry , which stopped her in her tracks .
15 Incredibly , this time , she heard a faint bark .
16 Early in their walk she had handed him the usual tenpenny piece , and now she heard a faint tinkle and watched while he stuck his candle in the socket , and reached for the matches in their brass holder .
17 She had just pressed it a second time when she heard a faint voice above the High Street traffic .
18 After a few days had passed , an old woman was walking from the Doon bridge into Alloway village and passing the partially ruined Kirk Alloway , when she heard a loud bellowing sound coming from the church .
19 She heard a loud , high-pitched scream , which almost drowned his grunt of animal passion when he ejaculated .
20 She heard a loud roar and realized that the 125 was sounding its air horn .
21 She says she heard a loud gunshot and saw a man lying on the ground .
22 He did not answer but just before she heard his bedroom door close she would swear that she heard a small chortle of laughter — as if her dry afterthought of a good morning had amused him .
23 Suddenly she heard a strange noise , and there in front of her was a boy .
24 ‘ I thought you 'd never ask , ’ she whispered , and in the gathering darkness she heard a ragged sigh just before his head came down and blocked out the stars .
25 She was about to close her eyes again when she heard a far-off roaring .
26 She heard a husky whisper in her ear .
27 But as she did so , she thought she heard a thin , piercing sound , like the wail of a child who has just wakened up and found himself alone .
28 She heard a thin crowing of cocks .
29 She was just about to go inside again when over to her right , by the high stone wall that marked the boundary of the Roscarrock estate , she heard a single , high-pitched whistle , and looking round she saw a face observing her from the other side .
30 Then she heard a high , effusive whisper .
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