Example sentences of "she sat [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 She sat at a table while he went to get their lager and ploughman 's lunches .
2 She sat for a while , becoming quieter , breathing deeply , ceasing to tremble .
3 She sat for a while , checking an anguish which made her want to sob .
4 He looked expectantly at Sarah , but she sat for a few seconds before speaking .
5 She sat for a moment in silence .
6 She sat for a while , the inevitable cigarette burning out in the ashtray .
7 She sat for a moment on the narrow window ledge , scanning the shadows in case shapes , creatures , sentinels should materialise .
8 Miranda fled , unseeing down the dark passage to the lavatory where she sat for a very long time feeling sick to her stomach .
9 Her labours done — and though they involved both effort and expense she enjoyed them very much — she sat for a little at her desk , thoughtful and handsome .
10 She sat for a long while , until her limbs became cold and stiff and her mind numb with tiredness and misery .
11 It was a gabled Victorian house set behind a high red brick wall in the heart of the city and as Rachel drew on to the gravel forecourt she sat for a moment admiring the mass of copper beeches that surrounded the house .
12 She sat with a lame leg tucked under her .
13 As she sat with a whisky and waited for Constance 's call , she listened to the autumn wind tugging at the corners of the austere house .
14 She sat with a sigh on a black plastic mushroom by the bar .
15 A mile or so along the sand , she sat on a rock , looking at the grey/indigo streak of Italian coastline .
16 The moment that red ball began to flatten , she sat on a rock and strained to see along the flat road , along the plain leading to Siena , and sure enough she saw a black dot which grew larger and became a single horse and then she stood up and began to run towards it , waving and shouting .
17 She sat on a chair at the edge of the trees , an easel in front of her , painting .
18 A stunningly attractive woman in her late thirties , she sat on a corner stool nursing a Campari on ice .
19 She sat on a stool in the kitchen and gave orders like an admiral , you know , and it was wonderful .
20 She sat on a hard chair .
21 She turned the handle of the spit when the Algerian gigots were roasted , larded with garlic and anchovies , in a kind of oval cage of iron slats in front of a hot fire of vine-stumps inside the huge hearth ; she sat on a bench inside the cheminée , turning the ratchet as it wound down , basting the lamb with oil and its own juices from a diabolical long spoon .
22 He stood before her as she sat on a low chair , and drenched her with his urine .
23 She sat on a mighty fine chair ,
24 But , pushing him aside , she gathered her cloak around her , made so bravely from those two old plush tablecloths , and began to walk downhill — the direction she happened to be facing — until she came to St Jude 's churchyard where she sat on a gravestone , her head in her hands , and shivered .
25 She sat on a chaise longue , elegant lines and the comfortless gentility of horsehair beneath an antique sateen .
26 She sat on a stool beside the Queen 's high-backed chair , her hands clenched tightly in her lap , eyes fiercely studying the fur-trimmed hem of Matilda 's crimson robe .
27 As she sat on a pavement around lunchtime , she was approached by a boy , who it was claimed tried to demonstrate to her how an aerosol can be used as a flame-thrower .
28 On impulse , she bought a recently published history of the region under the Occupation and took it to a pavement café , where she sat under a gaudy sunshade , idly sipping coffee and glancing through her book , but finding the passing show around her far more diverting .
29 ‘ You 're not really reading that book , you 're just trying to look smart , ’ when she sat under a tree with some well-worn treasure .
30 She sat in a corner on an antique settle as far away as possible from the blazing open fire .
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