Example sentences of "she turned [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Suddenly becoming aware of his blue gaze being levelled in her direction , she turned a smile into a cough , and promptly spilled coffee into the saucer .
2 Putting a length of rubber tubing on to the attachment , she turned a bottle upside-down to allow the liquid to flow .
3 She turned a key four times a day — a quarter of a millimetre at a time .
4 Once she turned a pattern on its side and discovered it could be viewed as a swastika ; it was therefore rejected .
5 She was running back home when she turned a corner and met John pushing a handcart full of building materials .
6 She turned a page noisily .
7 That 's to say , she had firm features and smartly cut , possibly dyed hair obviously kept under regular control , and she behaved as if she had known a time when she turned every head and expected you to be aware of this too .
8 Puzzled at first , she turned every page , then she held up the book by its spine and let the pages flutter ; no sheet of paper fell out .
9 She turned the music down and picked up the receiver .
10 She turned the ignition key .
11 She had gone only a little way however , when she stopped to check her map and , to her consternation found that when she turned the ignition on again her car would n't go !
12 She turned the tap on , and the plumbing clanged .
13 Oh , hell ! she thought , and , furious with herself as much as him suddenly that her thoughts alone could make her so angry , she turned the shower on full force and tried to drown her thoughts that way .
14 Yes , she turned the idea over in her mind .
15 She turned the possibility round and round in her head .
16 She turned the knob — and began to laugh , and laugh .
17 She turned the knob and pushed it open , feeling along the wall for the light switch .
18 Just before she turned the sign on the door round to read ‘ Closed ’ , a woman came in to look at the toys .
19 Salt 's great shoulders twitched as she turned the pie and put it back , but she did n't deny it .
20 She turned the light on and got out of bed .
21 She went down to make a drink , and as she turned the light on in the dingy kitchen a dark thing shot across the floor to disappear under the dresser .
22 When he had gone , she turned the light off and lay back on the bed , still in her dress if not her knickers , staring at the ceiling .
23 Almost disinterestedly , she turned the paper over , and gave a gasp of shock , her heart missing a beat .
24 Once he went below , if she turned the boat in that direction , just a few degrees at a time , would he notice ?
25 Then she turned the key , slowly and quietly , and opened the door .
26 She turned the key on the shining walnut dashboard and pressed the starter button .
27 To make doubly sure of this she turned the key in the lock as she went out .
28 She turned the key in the lock ; the heavy door swung open and she and her family were admitted to the house .
29 Grimacing , she turned the key in the ignition once more , and brought the car around the way she had come .
30 Would it have made any difference , Melissa wondered as she turned the key , if that lock had been changed earlier ?
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