Example sentences of "she had [been] drive " in BNC.

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1 She tried to recall when she had last passed a house , an AA box , a public telephone , but it seemed to her that she had been driving through deserted countryside for at least ten minutes .
2 There would be no need to tell them she had been driving very fast .
3 Moreover the meaning is not at all the same as with to + infinitive , as can be seen from the sample sentences below : ( 39 ) For years she had been driving illegally with a licence obtained in Italy where her brother had sent the examiner a case of wine — not necessary , but she had felt bolstered .
4 She gave a quick glance at her watch , put on an hour on the ferry to accommodate the time change , and saw that it had gone six , and that , apart for a stop for petrol and a brief stop in Aachen for a cup of coffee , she had been driving more or less continuously since just after nine that morning .
5 Innocuous though most of her poems were , she had been driven by the stupidity and cowardice of the censorship to publish in samizdat .
6 ‘ Everyone does , ’ said Comfort , forgetting the times when she had been driven to distracted cruelty by Julia 's unfailing matter-of-factness — and by her concentration on other people .
7 Threats had been made to her and the children and in the end she had been driven over the edge .
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